Parsley Graybuns is a resourceful rabbit. Although I actually purchased one chewy for him made of sea grass, and stuffed it full of hay, his favorite playthings are either free or spontaneous re-uses of other items. The sea-grass thing was designed as a hiding place for truly small animals; maybe hamsters? so I kept stuffing it with grass and fresh forage. It's taken him four months to chew the thing down, but there's still one end disk left from the original cylinder.
He also has a few
untreated pine cones DH and I picked up from late MIL's yard last weekend,
liquidambar branches for chewing, a cardboard box with hay in it, a small hay rack on the side of the ex-pen (hangs from two carabiner clips), and his greens bowl, a repurposed, heavy-duty dog bowl. The only items in his ex-pen he doesn't treat as toys are his litter box and his water bowl--although, raccoon-like, he does drop stuff into the water bowl. :lol:
Cardboard box: Yesterday morning, while I was at the computer here in the home office, Parsley went on a tear with the cardboard box (originally approx. 12" x 10" x 6" deep). He shredded an entire side and part of the bottom. He can't throw the box around b/c we've put a weight (5-lb weight-lifting type) in the bottom of the box, under the hay in it. He also likes to "redecorate" his ex-pen by strewing
hay here and there and then lying in said hay.
After you've eaten the hay and "kibble" in it, the
small hay rack makes a delightful noise (if you're a rabbit) when you grab it and bang it against the side of the metal ex-pen. Lots of fun!
Even more fun is to summon Mommy by picking up the
large greens bowl (after eating the yummy contents, of course) and banging it on the floor. This seems to be my summons for more chewy sticks, pets, or when breakfast/dinner is later than Mr. Graybuns feels appropriate.
We've also stuffed
empty toilet-paper tubes with hay, but he doesn't seem to want these; it took him two weeks to get the hay out of the most recent one.
A couple of weeks after I adopted him, I purchased (!) a chewy with pine cones and a couple of blocks of wood strung together on sea grass cord. It's still in the ex-pen, untouched. He does like to lie down next to it, though, and he moves it around, because I observe it in different places frequently.