Torn Scrotum & Testes visible.

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Mar 23, 2014
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I was examining my rabbits today as I plan on breeding them within the next week. When I flipped over my oldest buck I saw that he had recently torn his scrotum. By the time I was able to take a picture, 3 hours later, this is what I saw. :cry:

The lighter red area is testes and the dark spot is actually the scrotum that was torn and flapped back. It looks like blood has started clotting rather than infection. However, I am completely unable to get him to a vet until Tuesday at the earliest. How should I properly clean this and prevent infection? Also, is there anything else I should consider to prevent this in the future? (Nail clipping is a definite must!)
Yeowch. :x

I would make a weak Betadine solution (Betadine is just povidone iodine, which you may have in your medicine cabinet) by mixing with warm water so it is about the color of tea. Apply that to a pad of gauze and press it to the wound.

I would also super glue the wound edges together, but you may need to trim off that flap of folded over tissue if it appears to be dead.

I doubt the vet would do much other than that anyway- aside from recommending you neuter him- the scrotal skin is so thin that I don't think stitches would work very well.
I'd squirt it with a syringe or try to pour the betadine over before dabing more on with gauze. Definitely if I was going to close it because you really don't want to seal infection inside. We always rinse wounds first even if it's just water before using something antiseptic and on ourselves as well as animal injuries. If it has come in contact with wire or especially any poop closing it up without really cleaning out good will give you a nasty mess. You can also use chlorhexadine but most don't have that around.
I'd try to irrigate in there with betadyne first, too.

You can try shutting it with super glue, after being sure it is good and clean. Or, rather than shutting it, you could dab it with Nu-Stock. I think with it being a scrotum, though, you should probably close it.
Surgery seemed to go well. I washed him with warm water, then used a diluted amount of Betadine as directed. He didn't jump when I snipped off the dying skin. I then irrigated the wound again with both water and Betadine before I sealed the wound with super glue. It all looked pretty good.

However, I'm not so sure he doesn't have another problem down there. It looks as if he might have ripped through the inside of his hindquarters and into his rectal-colon area. I wasn't for sure as I couldn't get a very good look, he seemed quite tender after the super glue and squirmed too much when I tried to get a closer look. I sure didn't want to seal anything up until I was absolutely sure. I did use Betadine to clean the area just in case, and will continue to use Betadine to cleanse for the next couple of days.

I'm not really sure whether he ripped himself with his nails, which definitely need trimming, or on his cage. I know he had bitten through a couple pieces of the wire in his cage so that might well have been it. I've been replacing the bottom of all my cages since this afternoon, now 00:14 in the morning, so that this isn't an issue any more. I sure hope he heals up soon.

Further thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Yeowch, poor fella! :(

Sounds like you've done what you can. What you plan to do -- continued Betadyne irrigation -- is probably your best option. Your vigilance may just stave off infection, in spite of the location of the injury.

I think it's more likely to be a cage injury than nails, and you've replaced his floor now. :)


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