Thank you Anntann. I do have a electric wire low.. about 5 inches off ground, though I could drop it a little lower. I believe I am mostly predator proof. I was considering smaller diameter wire, for the lower part to stop the snakes. However, my guineas travel the area heavily, even inside the colony. If they do what they are supposed to, snakes won't live long around the colony. I do believe this winter will be my biggest challenge, the coons will probably be the biggest threat, possible bobcat and coyote as well. With the dog house right near the colony, and an active, protective dog inside, it will take a fairly hungry predator to give it try. Or so I hope. Keeping fingers crossed anyways.
But so far so good. I have only lost the initial two rabbits, and the rest seem very content to rest below the 1000gal propane tank, and under the taller vegetation, with the occasional races around the perimeter of the colony.
__________ Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:14 pm __________
So far so good. I seem to have the predator issues under control. The rabbits seem happy and content to run around. They nibble on all the plants in there, seemingly preferring broadleaf plants over grass. They have slowly but surely taken care of the curly cup gumweed (Grindelia squarrosa), field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis),koshia weed ( Kochia scoparia),and what we call ground cherries, which I believe are (Physalis subglabrata) apparently a member of the nightshade family, and they nibble on the bark, and green needles of western red cedar, and rocky mountain juniper trees. After watching them for hours on end I've noticed they never sit and eat any of these things for long, a few nibbles here and there, and off to other plants. They do look forward to my visits with pellets, I feel somewhat like the pied piper at this time, sometimes struggling to get through the gate without trampling rabbits.
They have yet to dig burrows, or even attempt to, where I wanted them too. One doe has started a burrow under the propane tank, she's old enough to be bred, but unsure if the buck has been successful, he may be a little too young yet.
Introduced a new rabbit to the colony, she is about 5 months old. There was a bit of fighting, with one other doe, but she has plenty of room to get away and out of site. Three days have gone by, and though she seems a bit shy, they all seem to be mingling fairly well with her.
Now if I could figure out how to get pics on here, I would do so. It says they are too big :x
This is the only way I can figure out how to get some pics of the colony out.