Tip for Heat

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2013
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Okay, so, I don't know if this REALLY makes a difference, but you know how popsicles are nice when you are hot?

Pretty much the same idea.

So, when it is above 80 degrees outside, I will freeze cukes, bananas, and apples. Then I take one of my giant sharp knives and cut them into frozen chuncks for the buns.


Chew chew chew, num num num. They just love it. So, even in not so hot weather, I would recommend this because my rabbits just love it.
That sounds like a great idea. I'm new to rabbits so I'm trying to learn everything I can and I keep reading that people freeze plastic bottles and put in the cage. Since rabbits eat everything plastic bottles don't really seem like a good idea. But frozen fruit and veggies, GENIUS. I'm going to put some in the freezer right now, for tomorrow. Thanks for a great idea!
:) You are welcome! Just remember, if your rabbits aren't used to eating fruits and veggies, start with a tiny bit. I threw half a cucumber into my rabbits' cage today, as there are three of them and they share. They are also very used to it. :) Mine ALWAYS manage to bite through frozen bottles. Even milk jugs, slice threw them like BUTTEH.
Wonderful idea! I'll make sure to add this tip to my growing list since I'm new to raising rabbits as well.
But eating creates heat and eating during the hottest part of the day is unnatural. Mine won't eat anything when it's hot until dusk, they will, however, chew and lick ice on and off to cool themselves.

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