Time to say goodbye :(

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Alberta Canada
I adopted Sully 4 years ago from the SPCA, he was an old boy back then. I just didn't want him to die in a shelter he deserved to be in a home and loved the last few years of his life! My best guess is he is late teens to early 20's.
The last 18 months Sully lost weight, he is nothing more then a bag of bones right now, he has cataracts and is almost blind. So we decided today would be the day to take him to the Vet. The day he came home he fit right in with everyone here, he sleeps on my bed every night so he will be missed!

Sully is a Siamese snowshoe

How can you not love that face!

The appointment is in 1.5 hours. I put down countless animals when I worked in the shelter but it's different when it's your own!!

I am sorry you are having to make the decision. What a kind thing you did by taking him in years ago. Know you gave Sully a great 4 years, the best of his life and now you are doing the kindest thing you can, the last, final act so he isn't in pain or suffering.

Prayers for you and your family.
What a handsome boy. :)

I'm glad you gave him those last years of happiness.

Putting an animal to sleep is never easy, but it is the final kindness we can give. I have always been there with mine, but if you can't, most veterinary staff are very compassionate.

I can't tell you how many animals I stroked and spoke softly to as they were given that final injection because their owners just couldn't do it. Often times we would all be in tears over an animal that we had all grown to know and love over the years... and no animal was ever put in a cage until a more convenient time, we took care of them immediately.

I am sorry for your loss.

You did an amazing thing bringing a senior animal into your home. Just remember the warm home, good food and immense lovin' he got those last few years with you.

None of us can say anything to make it better... just know we are here for you and we've all been there

I am so sorry to hear that, he's a beautiful looking cat.

I'll be thinking of you as you take him on his final journey.
I'm so sorry. At least nothing will ever take away your years of memories. I think that it is a wonderful, wonderful thing that you did taking in a senior animal.
Sully will be Cremated with the other pets that where put down this week. RIP old man! I will miss you keeping my feet warm at night :)
Sometimes you get the most joy and loving memories out of pets you got when they were already old...they don't call them GOLDEN years for nothing. I'm sorry for you loss, but I'm also happy that you gave a wonderful cat the love and home he deserved. True compassion is knowing when they are ready to move on, even though it can be hard to let go.

Our furred friends don't take long to put their pawprints on our hearts. When you think of the joy Sully gave you, know that you gave him more in return. His days ended in love and warmth. There is no better ending.


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