Time to process!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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Have 15 NZ friers to process tomorrow, if everyone meets weight. I tell ya, by the time they get to the age they are old enough, they start to get annoying, and I'm ready to clear out the cages! :lol: Walked in this morning to find one cage of friers had gotten their feeder off, and a full feeder fell to the ground sending pellets EVERYWHERE! Brats! :lol:
Wow, 15? Congrats!

Once those bunnehs hit the teen months it's time to go, eh? :lol:
Yes, Dave will help me, it's our day off tomorrow. :) Fun Fun!

I weighed them all, and I think we'll just do 10. There's 5 that are a week younger, and need 1 more week to grow. They're close, but one more week will put them right at 5 1/4 lbs. There's some that are at 6.25 at 11 weeks, which is not bad for a litter of 10. Pleased!

Oh yah, they're pets alright! :shock: It goes further down my arm, and it stings like mad! He got me good!

Awe, thank you, that's very nice of you to offer!! :D We are in Jackson County, between Eau Claire and Black River Falls.

We'll get it done, when we work together, it goes quickly. :)<br /><br />__________ Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:13 pm __________<br /><br />Rabbits have a 2 day reprieve! A restaurant auction came up that we want to go to tomorrow in MN, and hubby had to go to work to get his paperwork done for Tuesday. Processing is on hold till Wed!

Yay! Fun day together tomorrow!! :clap: They are few and far between since buying the restaurant, so I'll take it anytime I can get it!! :lol: