Three in the fridge

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
Got our first three butchered today and in the fridge. Have not processed rabbit in many years, but it came back fairly well. My daughters actually helped out which was a shock. A couple months ago they were horrified that I was going to kill the cute little bunnies. Today they had no problem getting them out of the cage and bringing them over to the processing table for me. They even stood by while I dispatched them and got a bit of an anatomy lesson. Rabbit alfredo is on the menu tonight.

On the last one my oldest wanted to learn how to skin a rabbit.

Yay! Yum for the rabbit alfredo. I need to put that on the menu for my husband. My boys are interested in helping, especially the older one (14) but my 16yo daughter wants nothing to do with the process except hold the babies.
I like the BBQ Grill right behind your processing table, can't get much fresher than that.
from the processing table right to the grill. LOL
I hope you had a delicious dinner.
I will have to try Alfredo. sounds good.