This is a jersey woolie right?

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Devon's Mom Lauren":37raurkn said:
Well her ear tattoo certainly matches her type!!!! WOW !!!! That has got to be the best CL find EVER!

I agree! LOL

LindseysWoolies":37raurkn said:
For sure! Ok more research and i found her owners website! ... s.htm#2131 her name is pp's hot stuff and she has had a litter already i think! her name pp means she came from deirdre edder.

Let me know if deirdre gets back to you..My dad is actually the president of the national JW club so we can get ya a phone number or whatever ya need.
Thank you! im in contact with her right now through email, im hoping that she can look the rabbit up though the person who purchased her (i have her name) because her tattoo doesnt match her records. she says sometimes the tattoo could be different than the records.
FYI..... ARBA will Not give out information. Specifically linking ear # and Registrations and owner/breeders. Their usual response is " contact the breeder and / or the person one purchased a rabbit from.

( this scenario is gone over time after time on FB...)
Thanks everyone! I am in contact with the previous owner and hope to get the pedigree very soon. I am picking up these two babes next week and unrelated pair of woolies. They are younger than I wanted but look nice.

Thanks! And finally I got in touch with the original owner!!! She is giving me the pedigree and leg information as well as registration papers and grand champion leg.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:02 pm __________<br /><br />Update! I finally am getting her pedigree and registration info in the mail. A lot of back and forth and getting in touch with the original owner. I just got the word that her paperwork is in the mail. I believe she has 3 legs and is granded she is a gorgeous rabbit and a great start to my jersey wooly line. She palpated positive the other day and is due on august 5th. I just need to find another good buck to cross with her since i lost the little black one i had. :(
Great to hear the pedigree papers are in the mail for this lovely doe. And truly sorry about your buck. Hoping you find one just like him.

My daughter has a Jersey woolie and he is very sweet. I noticed her feet go out a bit. My daughters buck does that too is that normal for a woolie? I never even heard of them till my daughter arraigned to by her buck.
Those are some really nice babies you are picking up. I sure wish I lived closer to the rest of the world. but soon I will be going to shows. Then I will be able to find what I want a bit easier. :)
I thank my lucky stars I live near an active club that puts on several shows a year, we've got two coming up, one in October and one in November. If I'm lucky next year, I'll be able to hit every one of them
tm_bunnyloft":oja1p09l said:
Those are some really nice babies you are picking up. I sure wish I lived closer to the rest of the world. but soon I will be going to shows. Then I will be able to find what I want a bit easier. :)
Thanks. Sadly I no longer have the two babies. I lost them during the heat. :( I didn't know they came from an air conditioned barn until it was too late. :( I really liked them especially the buck and think they would have turned out really nice.
Aww Im sorry. That really sucks. I think I'm going to end up losing my favorite magpie jr doe too. :( Sometimes it happens I guess. She hasn't been right since the bad feed incident.

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