things looking better after a slow start this year

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Well-known member
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Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
Yesterday Casco was due to kindle her 2nd litter this year, 8th overall. No tunnel in the nestbox, no fur pulled and I was beginning to wonder if we had another miss. But this morning 8 healthy kits. She pretty much has 8 every time--has had 7 and 9--just like her mother. At first when I heard about people having litters of a dozen or more I thought that was something to aim for. But I've decided that 8 or close to it is where we want to be. I think she made her nest further ahead when she kindled in early April. Are they apt to wait longer (and pull less fur) when it's warmer?
Anyway now we have her earlier litter of 8 and a 3 week old litter of 7 from a first timer and the other first timer (who kindled 8 and lost them all at day 4 or 5) due next week. And when we did a freezer inventory we have more rabbit in there than we need before the first litter goes to freezer camp. So this year I think 7 litters will be enough for what we want and if Fayette has a litter next week and doesn't lose it, then we can stop for the summer and breed the 3 does in the fall. Not the plan I started the year with, but one that will work.
Nice. We, too, are done breeding for the summer. My last two litters are just over two weeks old. Time to focus on the garden.
I've done the final breeding for the summer months too..... It will be a good time to evaluate growouts .... clean and organize the barn and cull down to breeding stock for the fall.

Can't wait to get a day were I have time to get the garden in and started!!
Set out the last seedlings today--peppers and eggplants and also planted sweet potato slips (a first for us). Have been harvesting asparagus for 3 weeks and just got our first radishes and finally have enough lettuce for salad every day.

And back to rabbits, forgot to say that the other looking up thing is that the first timer who got so growly as soon as she was bred is back to normal since her kits left the nestbox last week. So glad that's over.
Being just about surrounded by water (Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte), we get good breezes here most of the time. I found that if I had does kindling no later than the end of May and then gave them a short break during June and July and rebred them in early August, when the nights as least are cooler, that they did very well. Since in June they were raising their May kits, there was really only July that was lost.

When I started raising in a colony, I had less control over their breeding, but a box fan directed at one side of the colony (so they could choose breeze or no breeze) worked. We situated the critter house (used at different times for chickens, geese and rabbits) so that it got a good crossbreeze and had plenty of shade from trees on the west and south sides. We built that shed in 2003 and I am still very pleased with how well it has worked on that site. For those still planning who might read this, spend a few hours with a pad of graft paper and a pencil considering the site and vegetation as well as your "wants" in the building itself.