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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Eastern Ontario
Alice kindled right on schedule over the weekend... 8 good kits and a runt. Her winter litters were much smaller, so it's nice that she had a big litter this time. Interesting mix of colours: five black like Mom, three red like Dad and one a soft grey or blue. Hope it's a female because it looks like a good one. :)

Things were getting a little crowded down there in the colony, so we set up some cages in the summer rabbitry. Put Alice's four teenagers (about 10 weeks old) and Sage (our unproductive doe who is headed to freezer camp) into them. When I opened the nest tunnel on Sage's side of the colony to catch some of the youngsters, I heard squeaking... We have an OOPS litter from one of Alice's earlier kits. She's really too young and we must not make the mistake again of allowing the buck in with juveniles. But she kindled eight, seven living. They are tiny and I don't know how they will do, but she was in there nursing them this afternoon and she built a nice little nest right where she should.

Busy day here! I have to go out and gather a big bucket of greens soon... Those momma buns are going to be hungry. :)
Yayyyyy!!! Congrats!!! :wbounce:

Would love to see a pic of the soft gray/blue sometime! Bet it's beautiful!
Young Pudge (12 weeks old) was caught trying to mount one of the young does this morning, so I turned him over and decided that he is indeed male. Last time I checked I couldn't be sure. His testicles have not dropped yet so I hope he's not fertile. I have removed him from the colony for the time being. We will be setting up pens in the summer rabbitry (chain link structure with a tarp over it, under the weeping willow tree) for him and some fryers.

Our little blonde doe is doing a great job with her kits. They may be tiny, but they have bellies like water balloons! She's very calm about me checking them, which is nice. Alice doesn't mind David checking on her kits, but she is not as trusting of me for some reason. But she is a very dependable doe and does not require constant monitoring.
MaggieJ":11jvpixi said:
I turned him over and decided that he is indeed male. Last time I checked I couldn't be sure.

So at what age can you truly sex a young rabbit?
I can usually tell easily by 8 weeks. Some are easier than others. I don't know why Pudge was so difficult. :shrug: Might be my eyes. I need new glasses. I find I have to take my glasses off to see small things up close nowadays.

I don't bother sexing fryers unless they look like potential keepers. If they're headed for freezer camp, it makes no difference. I think we will keep Pudge as a back-up buck. He's very promising and deserves his chance to prove himself.
Thanks Maggie! And you are not the only one with eyes getting worse these days. Mine started to get really bad a couple years ago when I started editing photos on the computer all day.
busy days indeed - congrats .. hoping the sex change fairy hits pudge soon ... but a back up buck is never a bad plan anyhow ;)
Even if the Sex Change Fairy doesn't oblige us, it will be interesting to see what Pudge's offspring will be like. We had pretty much decided to give Pudge a chance regardless of gender. He's a very nice bunny! :)
Wow, congratulations on all the popples, expected and unexpected! :mbounce:

How young is that little doe? It will be interesting to see how her babies turn out, and whether she attains full size after having a litter so young. :)