They won't mate

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Have a few of my netherlands and you'll find that saying true. On the other hand I'm fed up with my American sables project. I've gotten 2 sables in the past year plus a few months and had a doe and 2 bucks die symptomless.
LauraNJ":1pochdug said:
Take them for a car ride. Just got 2 new does. We tried to breed one of them at the breeders, she refused (story of my rabbits). Drove almost 2 hrs home and I took her from carrier to my bucks cage and wham, lifted and bred three times within 5 minutes or so.

Did the same for the 2nd doe.

I always quarantine for months on end but my luck has been so poor with the beverens and since I really only have my buck left (his area is far from my mini rexes) I decided to just see what would happen. We'll find out as time goes on if it was totally stupid or not but I am that fed up/discouraged with my beverens at this point. Over a year and no babies.

Anyway, people say the does lift after going somewhere or for a ride and it seemed to work for the ones I bought since they were non responsive and the one was nasty to the breeder's buck.

"Breed like rabbits" I'd like to talk to the person who first said that.

LOL so there ya go, take 'em for a road trip! :) Nice romantic a box, in a car. ;)
RJSchaefer":a9kzhj7n said:
Do I need to take them to dinner first, so they feel like real ladies? :lovers:

Umm, maybe a nice pasture of clover, dandelions, some nice romping grounds. Perhaps a stream or pond with a waterfall? A bowl of boss, some oats or just let them munch in your garden, that is what our wild bunnies do, eat my veggies.

Oh, perhaps setting up a bathtub outside for them (you know, like the ads, I would only use 1 tub, not 2) overlooking the rabbit romantic pasture?

Then a spin in the car, then they may be ready. Super easy, "breed like rabbits."
I think we're getting closer!

I had a cage I'd cannibalized for another project. It's got a few small holes from where the feeders were (on the bottom) and no lid. So I flipped that upside down in a weedy portion of lawn, surrounded it with some boards for wind protection and weight, and plopped the doe who's already kindled in with her brother. They're alternating between nibbling on weeds and flirting. He's getting increasingly agitated and persistent, so she'll either give it up or I'll be intervening in a bunny fight.
Something else to try to get the does interested is to put them in the buck's cage for a day or so, or put her in a cage right up against his. Being surrounded by his scent will (hopefully) get her so ready to be bred that she'll lift. I have to do this with one of my does who is a PAIN to get bred.

Apparently, no one told the rabbits that they're supposed to "breed like rabbits."
I was just about to suggest this to you, lol CarsLops beat me to it. I just read that in Bob Bennett's book. He said to switch the buck and doe for a night, then in the morning, put the doe back in her own cage (which the buck is still in) and see if they breed. Of course, you have a colony, so you would have to do it differently. Maybe put the buck in a spare cage (if you have one) and the doe in his cage overnight. Then bring the doe to him. She may get in the mood after smelling his scent in his cage all night. Maybe try with her brother, since he is more eager to breed.
:clap: :pinkbunny: :clap:



Covered Mrs Howell twice!!


I found what worked. I put her in with Skipper, and he unsuccessfully tried to mount. Then I moved her in with Gilligan. He's a good wingman! He did the cuddly, wooing portion. Then I moved her back in with Skipper and he went in for the kill. Repeated. We have rabbit breeding success! We've been rationing the boys' food, too.

Now I just hope she took. :lol:

I'm giving Minnow a break. She might be pregnant. IDK. She's acting strange and has a bigger, firm belly. I'm pretty sure Ginger is expecting. She's picked out a box that she guards jealously and was very choosy about her hay this morning. We'll see... :popcorn:

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