Their no longer breeding?

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I don't have a colony, but staggered nursing by the does seems normal and sensible to me. As long as you are confident that you can prevent flooding of the burrow, I would leave them be.
Thanks so much for your help I will keep posted...hopefully I'll see some beautiful babies hopping out in a few weeks! :)
Lavender, yes, the two does will use the same nest burrow ... they probably both dug the burrow also. They will also nurse the litter(s) one after the other.

As for the buck, if you have a cage, I would suggest that you might want to go ahead and segregate the buck from the does so you can have a bit more control over the breedings.

Evidently you don't have the bottom of your colony pen lined with wire, so you will need to keep a close eye on where they are digging as they can and will dig 4' or more, getting under the fence, practically before you realize it LOL

As for the burrows, you could try to bury a container that will allow you to open the top to check a litter, but still allow the does to have their tunnel to the burrow. This will also allow you to clean nest material between litters, etc. Once this litter is out and about, carefully dig the nest chamber out, put in a wooden crate that is tall enough to be at ground level with a removable lid, and put in some fresh nest material so the does and babies will still use it as a nest burrow. Back fill around the crate and see how things go.

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