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So I know I have 3 does but I recently tried to introduce the trio to a fourth "doe" she has humped all of them nonstop and quite viciously. One of them appears to be menstruating but I think it might be two of them not just one because there is a quite a good bit of blood in the pee trail I'm also not sure if I should be worried about that. But my main issue is the fourth doe. (Lemme help explain my situation: I moved in with my boyfriend and his parents (I'm 19 he is 17) they currently have a family of 3 living with them (Their house burned down) and they brought a rabbit smaller than all of mine (Not crazy but she is noticeably smaller when beside mine) and she has this thing with humping all three of my does.) Help please?!
:shock: <br /><br /> -- Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:11 pm -- <br /><br /> Basically what I'm asking is... Could this doe be a possible male? Do females really mate this much? and I thought does only menstruated if they were bred *by a buck* and last but not least could a doe kinda present herself as a buck? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: