The unsexable?

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Dec 4, 2014
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North Carolina
So I know I have 3 does but I recently tried to introduce the trio to a fourth "doe" she has humped all of them nonstop and quite viciously. One of them appears to be menstruating but I think it might be two of them not just one because there is a quite a good bit of blood in the pee trail I'm also not sure if I should be worried about that. But my main issue is the fourth doe. (Lemme help explain my situation: I moved in with my boyfriend and his parents (I'm 19 he is 17) they currently have a family of 3 living with them (Their house burned down) and they brought a rabbit smaller than all of mine (Not crazy but she is noticeably smaller when beside mine) and she has this thing with humping all three of my does.) Help please?! :eek: :shock: <br /><br /> -- Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:11 pm -- <br /><br /> Basically what I'm asking is... Could this doe be a possible male? Do females really mate this much? and I thought does only menstruated if they were bred *by a buck* and last but not least could a doe kinda present herself as a buck? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
well a couple of things

1. REMOVE the doe that is humping the others.
2. does DO NOT menstrate so if you are seeing blood something is VERY wrong.
3. if the buck is particularly aggressive YES they can mate that much.
4. if the does bite the bucks penis then he would be bleeding.

Are you sure your does are all does?
Have you checked to see if the new rabbit is a buck or a doe?
Everything said in the above post is true.
I just want to add that pee can appear orange or even a reddish color, so it is possible what you are seeing isn't blood. Pictures would help others get a better feel for what is going on, and if you need help sexing feel free to post and get people's opinions too. I would definitely err on the side of caution and remove the aggressive rabbit tho....
When you pull a male humping rabbit off the other you can usually see the extended penis. I grab the back skin around the middle so it cannot kick. If you do it by the neck it will kick the back legs. The penis is very long and thin and may be curled.
What they said...

Definitely pull the one out, it might be on a breeding spree! :roll:

I have had experience with does peeing what appeared to be blood - unnerving, but it was nothing.
And if there is any doubt about the sexes, don't forget to have nest boxes ready on the 28th day after the first day all the buns were together.
I know all three of mine are does. They have lived together long enough now that someone would've been pregnant (Plus the two oldest are parents( Buttons+Hopster= ButterBall and then ButterBall+Hopster= Harlem ( Oldest to youngest is Buttons, ButterBall, Harlem) All three are does. My youngest is almost a year and no babies from her. This new "unsexable" doe/buck seems a lot more active than my does, she is very active and enjoys running around the cage but she also cuddles up to my rabbits and grooms them. But they all look like super terrified by her presence. I really just do not understand.
I know dominant does are said to hump occasionally, but the grooming? Hmmm... that seems buck-ish to me. I could be wrong though, I have never personally watched a doe show such dominant behavior to say one way or another.
My does act terrified by her/him, they run away, the hunker down, they try to avoid her. They treat her like a buck but I've looked at her down there parts and she doesn't have noticeable balls or a penis *From what I can tell* Which makes it super confusing she looks like a doe (maybe not) but acts like a buck. I know for a fact by the two litters I've received the two oldest are definitely girls, my youngest appears to be a female (She hasn't done more than domination mating and no pregnant does) but this other one she mates more than just for domination, she is quite a bit smaller as I've said before but appears to possibly be same bred as mine but that's unkown
Well, I missexed rabbits and only noticed it because of their behaviour. Like doing short digging bursts on the lawn - no doe does it that way :shock:
Processed two bucks last Sunday, well, again "Surprise, Surprise!" :x .
Should have posted pictures here, but I asked another breeder to help sexing and thought I was save :?

Not seeing a penis when pressing at the right points imho doesn't replace positivly identyfieing a slit. And they can pull up their testis.

If you're not 100% sure about the sex you're quite likely going to be wrong if behaviour doesn't match.
A doe, coming to a crew of three, and being dominant right away? Very special case, in my opinion.
often if it acts like a buck... it's a buck... even if you see nothing immediately apparent...

It's an easy way for me to tell with kits. If a kit is slow on maturing in the genital department... I watch it's behaviour. Even little buns (especially my hollands) will act a certain way depending on their gender.
That's amazing. Maybe it is a he... Maybe one of my girls lifted if he was and is gonna have babies... Well lets see in about 26-28 days ;)
That sounds suspiciously buck like. My girls, when they get together, either give way, or scrap. They don't typically hunch down and put up with unwanted attention unless it's a buck. I'd be curious to see if you do get kits but I'd probably separate them until you have verified that new rabbits gender, if you have not already.
ladysown":338b281s said:
often if it acts like a buck... it's a buck... even if you see nothing immediately apparent...

It's an easy way for me to tell with kits. If a kit is slow on maturing in the genital department... I watch it's behavior. Even little buns (especially my hollands) will act a certain way depending on their gender.

My harlequins too. It's subtle, but there is definitely a difference in behavior even in kits.
The bucks tend to be more outgoing, adventurous, and affectionate right from the start. Does tend to be a little more wary of hands and being patted, where the bucks are more likely to actually seek out the attention.
A bucks tend to immediately greet me at the cage door, where does are more likely to hang back and watch for a bit longer.
If I offer a treat however, the does get over their shyness and are faster to try something new.

Chasing and mounting may be dominant doe behavior, but certainly, trust your intuition!!! Or if in doubt, separate. It would only take a couple minutes to be expecting three new litters.
I'd be ok with a big oops! XD I'm already getting 1 baby his name is gonna be Little Britches. He's the kitten in the pic below. But we have the unsexable in a separate cage inside the house and my three does are hanging around outside. And believe it or not I only have one unsocial Doe and that's ONLY because when I lived with my dad my two siblings were really mean to her and banged on her cage with sticks and the such. My other two does were handled straight from the get go. Once they were born I started handling them for at least 10-20 minutes daily and I just spent time with them and they are very friendly and sociable. My not so social doe is even slowly coming around but she only trusts me to mess with her (Like getting her out of the cage, petting, etc.) BTW I look awful in these pics (I was crying when I found him; I recently moved out of my moms and had to leave my cat that I've had for 14 years)
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Is it 8 weeks yet?

When I got my kitten I thought I'd train her to like rabbits. I placed her in an adults cage and was surprised that the rabbits attacked her. When she grew up she would avoid rabbits but she would groom baby rabbits if I place them beside her.
He is 8 weeks I think I have to wait till next Wednesday after he is neutered to get him though :( I miss him so much!! But I'm excited all the same
Putting something strange in a rabbits territory may not the right way, if the goal is not making the cat scared of rabbits (my neighbours angoras are killing rats that come into their pen). When I had my Fury as house bunny she hopped up to neighbours cat and dog in the garden, neutral, common space. But I would start with holding and petting or feeding both, somewhat seperated, to get them used to each other.

But here sure are some who have done that and have first hand experience, I wonder if there isn't already a thread, if not it's worth one.