The mystery of the peanuts...

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Barrie Ontario
I was browsing some old (well not that old) photos in the deepest darkest depths of the computer and came across an album with a mystery that was never solved.

In May I had a litter born, 2 healthy kits 2 peanuts. Something I'm use to having. Well I was in for a shock, usually peanuts die in about a week. The following pictures were taken at 2.5 weeks:

2 Peanuts with their littermate (the litter mate was 3lbs fully grown)


They were fighters.

Watching them walk was funny and sad at the same times, their heads were far to large for their bodies so they tipped alot

The broken otter peanut dwarfed by a normal 3 day old half sibling.

Anyhow the fact they made it to 2.5 weeks was interesting (but not shocking, as there are cases of peanuts living to 1 year [google Micro the Mini Rex Peanut/Barbi Brown])

When they made it to 4 weeks that was a shock. They were eating pellets and drinking water (from a tiny little bottle since the normal sized bottles they weren't strong enough to move the ball)

Then they just vanished. We never found a trace of them. No bodies, no reason for them to be gone. They were in a cage with half X half floor wire, and 4" high urine guards. We took apart the nest box piece by piece and found no bodies. pulled all the cages out and no bodies. No trace of them ever appeared.

So right now my theory is alien abduction :alien:
Wow, I don't know a lot about peanuts, except that they don't live. It was very interesting to see this!
sorry, I think the abduction is more of a mystery than the peanuts, I have been told by a breeder friend, who is perpetually 'getting out of rabbits'
she want's a peanut to live, Polish are what she does, and she thinks a peanut would be awesome, big head, little body, bold eye...
Step on to soapbox:AHEM,,, COUGH< COUGH...

Can a peanut that survives see well? can it hear? does anyone know if it is hydrocephalic?(water on the brain) What about its internal organs.? Do they function at optimal levels?How about joints-- do they move as they should? Remember, one of my first freecycle rabbits was a very small Dutch marked boy. He could not sit up on his haunches-- his rear end was severely restricted in movement. He listed to one side when he moved forward. When he died and I necropsied him, he proved to have a defective heart. I saw the picture of that micromini rex a couple years ago-- yeah, cute, in a really gross sort of way. IMO, a severe test of a person's ethics to pursue that type of result in a breeding program. Devons pictures proved very informative, What happened to the kits? Heaven only knows for sure, but certainly, where ever they now are, they are no longer genetic freaks.

Sorry, off that soapbox now....