Well-known member
I didn't know it when I entered, but the show today was a "Backyard Show", and is usually held at one of two churches, but they were booked for other activities, so it was held at the Fairgrounds. Consequently, it was very small- only two judges, and a couple hundred rabbits.
We arrived about 7:45, and got all set up and registered. I had a substitute entry (more on that in another post), and they didn't even charge me the fee for the switch.
Shortly after, my phone rang, but I had noticed a fellow dialing his phone, and sure enough it was SyP.
He needed his entries tattooed, so I got all of my tattoo equipment, and swabbed their left ears with alcohol. I run a litany in my head of Right ear= Registrar when I am tattooing.
I always write the tat in the ear with a Sharpie first... thankfully... because in my sleep deprived-over caffeinated-adrenaline jittery-state, I marked the right ear on the first bun! :shock:
Fortunately SyP's daughter (or his breeder-partner's daughter?) was on the ball, and said "Isn't marking the right ear a DQ?" I can only hope that if the bun had actually gotten on SyP's lap I would have realized the rabbit was facing the wrong direction- but if I hadn't, what a poor "favor" I would have done a fellow RT'er.
That would have been absolutely mortifying. So... if I ever offer to tattoo your rabbits at a show, be warned- I have my "blond moments" and must be watched!
Disaster averted, we got the rest of the buns tattooed without issue.
I had a couple of hours of "down time" before the rush of getting multiple breeds on the table in rapid succession, and met some of the nicest people. Several were attracted by my hay delivery system:
Gotta love those dollar store shower curtain rings! :roll:
I gave out my Rabbitry cards which also have my username here at RT and on them, so hopefully we will have some incredibly nice new members joining us soon.
One of my very favorite judges was judging the A show. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and goes out of his way to include and educate exhibitors young and old.
I clerked the Rex class for him (my family were the only exhibitors) and he grilled me on how I would place the rabbits on the table, and why, and how many points for this and that... it was nerve wracking to be "put on the spot", but I did fairly well- my two favorites took BOB under him and the judge from Show B.
I am very proud to say that I got great comments on shoulders, width, loin, and type from both judges. Shoulders in Rex are notoriously poor, so I couldn't have been happier. Judge B, who raised (raises?) Rex was more strict on fur quality- but I spoke to him between breeds, and told him my emphasis was on (meat) type first, and he reassured me that fur quality could be improved in a generation.
I also told him that my lines don't make weight by six months, and he said that most don't until seven or eight months. He also said that some breeders will get a litter out of a doe before she makes weight and show her afterwards. This made me very happy since I have seen larger litters out of does that are bred at a young age.
I am most happy about the wonderful people I met at the show, but we also came home with 6 Legs!
My buck 'Lectric Blue took BOB in Show A, and is now finished with 3 Legs I believe, and Queenpup's Jersey Wooly Showoff (who she "stole" from me :angry: )took BOSB in both shows so is now Granded with 4 Legs. I have a BOB Leg on my Opal buck Fergus, and a BOSB Leg on both my REW doe Nigella and an as yet unnamed blue doe.
As an additional perk to a marvelous day, I saw a rock in the parking lot next to my car... it looked like this:
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 10:31 pm __________
***My OP messed up, so here are more pics...***
But when I flipped the rock over, this is what I found:
Here are the Rex entered, from left to right being 'Lectric Blue, Fergus, Inaki, and the unnamed blue doe:
Nigella and the "stolen" Showoff:
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 10:34 pm __________
I am not sure what is happening here, but my pics are getting randomly re-organized.
I know I am not THAT tired, but being a Techno-Peasant, I have no idea why it is happening.
Hope y'all can figure it out anyway.
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 11:05 pm __________
I forgot to add a couple of salient points that I learned at this show...
First off, that my Beveren buck, who I consider to be a "whack-a-doodle" due to his behavior of pacing the cage and trying to lift the lid of his cage when he sees me is actually "normal" for bucks of most breeds. My Rex bucks are so laid back that I thought he was hyperactive.
The other is that cages made with the wire run horizontally is dangerous. My "Whack-a-Doodle" Beveren buck got his rear foot caught in the wire as my friend was trying to put him back in the cage, and he started screaming his head off. Thankfully he was freed before he broke his leg- but I will no longer buy cages where the wire is oriented that way.
We arrived about 7:45, and got all set up and registered. I had a substitute entry (more on that in another post), and they didn't even charge me the fee for the switch.
Shortly after, my phone rang, but I had noticed a fellow dialing his phone, and sure enough it was SyP.
He needed his entries tattooed, so I got all of my tattoo equipment, and swabbed their left ears with alcohol. I run a litany in my head of Right ear= Registrar when I am tattooing.
I always write the tat in the ear with a Sharpie first... thankfully... because in my sleep deprived-over caffeinated-adrenaline jittery-state, I marked the right ear on the first bun! :shock:
Fortunately SyP's daughter (or his breeder-partner's daughter?) was on the ball, and said "Isn't marking the right ear a DQ?" I can only hope that if the bun had actually gotten on SyP's lap I would have realized the rabbit was facing the wrong direction- but if I hadn't, what a poor "favor" I would have done a fellow RT'er.
That would have been absolutely mortifying. So... if I ever offer to tattoo your rabbits at a show, be warned- I have my "blond moments" and must be watched!
Disaster averted, we got the rest of the buns tattooed without issue.
I had a couple of hours of "down time" before the rush of getting multiple breeds on the table in rapid succession, and met some of the nicest people. Several were attracted by my hay delivery system:
Gotta love those dollar store shower curtain rings! :roll:
I gave out my Rabbitry cards which also have my username here at RT and on them, so hopefully we will have some incredibly nice new members joining us soon.
One of my very favorite judges was judging the A show. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and goes out of his way to include and educate exhibitors young and old.
I clerked the Rex class for him (my family were the only exhibitors) and he grilled me on how I would place the rabbits on the table, and why, and how many points for this and that... it was nerve wracking to be "put on the spot", but I did fairly well- my two favorites took BOB under him and the judge from Show B.
I am very proud to say that I got great comments on shoulders, width, loin, and type from both judges. Shoulders in Rex are notoriously poor, so I couldn't have been happier. Judge B, who raised (raises?) Rex was more strict on fur quality- but I spoke to him between breeds, and told him my emphasis was on (meat) type first, and he reassured me that fur quality could be improved in a generation.
I also told him that my lines don't make weight by six months, and he said that most don't until seven or eight months. He also said that some breeders will get a litter out of a doe before she makes weight and show her afterwards. This made me very happy since I have seen larger litters out of does that are bred at a young age.
I am most happy about the wonderful people I met at the show, but we also came home with 6 Legs!
My buck 'Lectric Blue took BOB in Show A, and is now finished with 3 Legs I believe, and Queenpup's Jersey Wooly Showoff (who she "stole" from me :angry: )took BOSB in both shows so is now Granded with 4 Legs. I have a BOB Leg on my Opal buck Fergus, and a BOSB Leg on both my REW doe Nigella and an as yet unnamed blue doe.
As an additional perk to a marvelous day, I saw a rock in the parking lot next to my car... it looked like this:
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 10:31 pm __________
***My OP messed up, so here are more pics...***
But when I flipped the rock over, this is what I found:
Here are the Rex entered, from left to right being 'Lectric Blue, Fergus, Inaki, and the unnamed blue doe:
Nigella and the "stolen" Showoff:
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 10:34 pm __________
I am not sure what is happening here, but my pics are getting randomly re-organized.
I know I am not THAT tired, but being a Techno-Peasant, I have no idea why it is happening.
Hope y'all can figure it out anyway.
__________ Sat May 25, 2013 11:05 pm __________
I forgot to add a couple of salient points that I learned at this show...
First off, that my Beveren buck, who I consider to be a "whack-a-doodle" due to his behavior of pacing the cage and trying to lift the lid of his cage when he sees me is actually "normal" for bucks of most breeds. My Rex bucks are so laid back that I thought he was hyperactive.
The other is that cages made with the wire run horizontally is dangerous. My "Whack-a-Doodle" Beveren buck got his rear foot caught in the wire as my friend was trying to put him back in the cage, and he started screaming his head off. Thankfully he was freed before he broke his leg- but I will no longer buy cages where the wire is oriented that way.