The excessively over photo'd Northern Illinois plant ID plea

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
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Rockford, IL
:oops: Sorry :oops:

Some of the photos didn't turn out too well/got overexposed, but here's what I've got. There's more, just can't get them uploaded.


I'm updating this as we go. Putting bunny safe in green, non bunny safe in red. Leaving the unknowns alone.


1) Common mallow (malva neglecta) (bunny friendly)

2) Potentially bindwind (potentially toxic)

3) Possibly lambsquarters

4) :?: Grows by the barn, got several of these...trees?

5) Curly dock (Rumex crispus) (bunny friendly)

6) Oxeye? Seems too small.

7) Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major) (bunny friendly)

8) I think this is some kind of berry sucker.

9) Not sure what this is. The leaves kind of look like the black walnut, but it's growing from concrete next to an oak.

10) Ragweed (poisonous)

11) :?:

12) 2 bushes here. The one all the way to the right I believe is a mulberry, the one to the left is a blackberry?

13) I've got these vines all over the place.

14) Canada Thistle?

15) Grows close to the ground, pulls up in clumps.

16) Another weird tree/bush seedling.

17) Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana L) (toxic to livestock)


18) This vine grows in concrete cracks. Morning Glory?

19) Giant bush of something


20) Still more ragweed (still poisonous)
Have a better pic of #3?
#5 Dock
#7 broad leaf Plantain
#10 Ragweed
#14 Thistle of some kind
#17 Sand cherry?
Here's #3 again.
DSC_0331.jpg<br /><br />__________ Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:02 pm __________<br /><br />I think #17 is too "tree" to be a sand cherry. Aren't those supposed to be shrubs?
#1 is mallow, I'm pretty sure.
#2 might be bindweed--hard to tell with such a small bit and no flowers.
#6 might be feverfew--hard to see the leaves.
#7 is plantain.
#19 could be St. John's wort. Did it have yellow flowers about a month ago?
Ugh I just realized all the photos are terrible because someone turned on jpg compression. :badmood: And here I was worrying the CCD on my camera was going bad.


Some more. =)

21) Hosta

22) Smooth leaves, prickly flowers

23) Ragweed (poisonous)

24) Marestail/horseweed (poisonous)

25) Probably more ragweed! (probably still poisonous!)

26) I believe this might be the same as #2

27) Red Maple?

28) Black walnut suckers?

__________ Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:58 pm __________

trinityoaks":2vo6ejbn said:
#19 could be St. John's wort. Did it have yellow flowers about a month ago?
I don't know. We just cleared out access to that section of yard a few weeks ago, so I only found it recently.

I think the leaves are too pointy to be SJW, though. I thought it had more rounded leaves?
Around my house number 21 is known as Deer Candy, as they eat the heck out of it!! Seriously though, it's a Hosta.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:07 pm __________<br /><br />Number 26 looks a lot like a wild violet.
Lastfling":4db2z0n2 said:
Around my house number 21 is known as Deer Candy, as they eat the heck out of it!! Seriously though, it's a Hosta.
Baaah! I even searched for Hosta, because it was the first thing that came to mind, but none of the photos I saw on the first page had that white trim. :oops:

Lastfling":4db2z0n2 said:
Number 26 looks a lot like a wild violet.
Hmmm...perhaps...I'll have to ask the kids if they've seen any flowers on that plant!
#3 looks like Lambsquarter that had it's leaves stripped and new ones grew in.
#23 is Ragweed, this crap can grow to 5ft. Fairly poisonous to most animals, pull it out with roots and trash it.
#24 is Marestail/horseweed. Can grow over 5ft as well, also not edible. Pull it out with roots and trash it.
I have the old pig pen covered with ragweed and marestail, all of it is nearly taller than me.
Marestail!!! THANKS!! I have been pulling this up here when the goats don't always eat it.
RJSchaefer":3myps4kt said:
trinityoaks":3myps4kt said:
#19 could be St. John's wort. Did it have yellow flowers about a month ago?
I don't know. We just cleared out access to that section of yard a few weeks ago, so I only found it recently.

I think the leaves are too pointy to be SJW, though. I thought it had more rounded leaves?
Depends on the type of SJW. I had one (it died) that was a ground-cover type of SJW that had quite rounded leaves. I have another bush-type that has long, pointed leaves. The yellow flowers around mid- to late-June are the best indicator, though.
Hmmm...ok. I think that one I'll have to cut a shoot and take it to the Master Gardener.

RE: Ragweed (someone on the FB plant ID group gave me this link)
The seeds have high nutritional value, consisting of 47% crude protein and 38% crude fat. They may be an important food source for rodent and invertebrate populations in agricultural and early succession ecosystems.
<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:22 am __________<br /><br />How safe are members of the Convolvulus family? It seems I've got morning glory, bindweed, etc. I've read conflicting reports and don't have that much. I hate to throw away something I could feed, though.
2 = That looks like a baby morning glory. Sorry, did have that on there as bindweed for a while, but had to look again.
8 - Looks like a black walnut sucker
18 - It is a morning glory. They are toxic.
19 - Looks like russian knapweed to me. It is an invasive species here in S. CO, but I know that goats still eat it when it's green. If it happens to get brown, and the leaves turn into nasty stickers in fall, it's knapweed for sure. If it doesn't get stickery, it almost looks like a tumbleweed (Kosha weed). The stem is a little too red for that in my opinion though. Kosha is safe to feed
26 - Looks like a violet. They flower in spring and early summer, that one would likely be white or purpleish. They are safe to feed. I would double check with a photo online, though, to be sure.
28 - Most certainly black walnut. Those darn things are covering my driveway. I would recognize them anywhere...

I will get a good pic of the bindweed / kosha weeds for you. Both are more than abundant in my front yard and the rabbits love them.

__________ Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:31 pm __________

Okay, so I lied about the kosha weed picture, apparently I can't find one in a good enough spot to get a good photo, they're all buried in my veggie garden so you'd have to stare at the pic for half an hour to figure out 'what doesn't belong' in the tomato patch! Here is a pic of the bindweed though, they have more of a spear shaped leaf, and can get quite huge depending on how much water they take in. The flowers usually look like small morning glories, and range anywhere from white to a pale pink.


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#17 has been identified as a choke cherry. Prunus virginiana L. I have to be careful because the chokeberry looks very similar. I'm going to take a branch as well as photos over to the Master Gardener to be sure.

__________ Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:27 pm __________

PSFAngoras":356ocxy3 said:
I will get a good pic of the bindweed / kosha weeds for you. Both are more than abundant in my front yard and the rabbits love them.
So bindweed...isn't toxic? :shock: I keep reading that it is.

I've read that there's little to no difference between bindweed, morning glories and wild violets. They're all in the same family. Do you think it's safe to feed the buns?<br /><br />__________ Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:30 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, dur, you said morning glories ARE toxic. Hmm...crap. I just won't feed any of those. All the leaves look so similar, it would be hard to distinguish what was what.

Are black walnuts suckers toxic? I know the roots give off a toxin, and the hulls are toxic, but I'm wondering if the tender suckers are fair game.
Black walnuts are fairly acidic I think. I would avoid feeding them. I've never heard that bindweed or violets are toxic. Where did you read that? I've fed them to all of my livestock over the past 10 years and never had a problem. I know violets can be used as an herbal remedy for heart, digestive, and respiratory issues. The flowers are also edible. I guess if it comes down to it and you don't feel comfortable feeding it, don't. Also if you can't positively identify something (morning glory/bindweed) I certainly wouldn't feed it. It could possibly that you have a different species in your part of the country or that your soil holds some sort of chemical/mineral that builds up in the plant causing it to be toxic.
RJSchaefer":7xhrsg0x said:
How safe are members of the Convolvulus family? It seems I've got morning glory, bindweed, etc.
I've fed bindweed with no issues. I no longer have access to bindweed (thank God!!).