Testing Mesquite Leaves and Twigs as Fodder

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Apr 8, 2013
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I've read that Mesquite is safe and toxic to rabbits. It's time to test the theory. I have a secondary buck that I'll start feeding up to 25% Mesquite leaves, pods and branches. I'll keep a close eye on him and post pictures before, during and after the test.

Fingers crossed.

<edit> - Oh yeah. I should buy a scale. </edit>
MamaSheepdog":1ex7kfcz said:
Mesquite leaves and twigs are listed as safe on MaggieJ's list. I don't know about the pods, though.

Yeah, that's a big factor in my trying it out. She also posted an article on someone who used mesquite to replace 25% of his rabbit's food. Other searches say not to feed it to rabbits, so I'm running the test on a secondary buck.

Dood":1ex7kfcz said:
I would worry about flavoring the meat, but I am not a fan of mesquite. :D

Sacrilege! :shock: Of course, this one's a breeder so it won't enhance the meat, but if he makes it ok, I might try it on some fryers. :)

Here's the test subject, "Moe" on day 1. He has mesquite and hackberry to play with.

Ahh... the "experimental bunny" revealed!

He's cute. :)

I hope he survives the feed trial so you can start feeding mesquite to everybun. :clover:
I must just emphasize that I have no first-hand experience of feeding mesquite to rabbits, since I am too far north. I do remember someone feeding it in quite large quantities, however, without problems... which is why I included it in the Safe Plants list.

Good luck with the test... and please post the results.
MaggieJ":17ejsgfj said:
I must just emphasize that I have no first-hand experience of feeding mesquite to rabbits, since I am too far north. I do remember someone feeding it in quite large quantities, however, without problems... which is why I included it in the Safe Plants list.

I understand that, MaggieJ. This isn't an important buck and could become a roaster if things go south.

It looks like the experiment will have to wait though. He's not eating the mesquite leaves. I came home with a second batch and saw that the first was still there, being trampled. It's a shame, since there's hundreds of acres of free mesquite available.

Luckily, there's also mulberry and hackberry. I'm leaving the sunflowers for the dove and quail.

I might try the mesquite pods when they come into season. I'll update when I have something to put in here.
TMTex":1g3mok0s said:
Luckily, there's also mulberry and hackberry. I'm leaving the sunflowers for the dove and quail.

I don't know about the hackberry, but Mulberry is supposed to be an excellent fodder.


The sunflower stalks, leaves, and heads can be fed to the rabbits- in fact every year I cut mine down I cut the stalks into chunks for winter storage for the buns. They like the seed heads even if the birds have eaten all of the sunflowers out of them first. :)
The only good mesquite is a dead mesquite. Seriously. Each tree sucks up 300 gallons of moisture PER DAY from the soil and has contributed greatly to the drought in Texas. I don't even like using mesquite for barbecue or smoked meats--hickory tastes much better, IMHO.
I love mesquite for grilling, so if it flavors the meat that would be awesome! lol. No I have 25 acres of lots and lots of mesquite so I would love to know definitively if mesquite is okay. People can eat mesquite bean flour from the yellow dried ones and it doesn't taste too bad. Most animals eat them. It would be cool if I could use mesquite to feed the buns because I have unlimited supply of mesquite...literally unlimited. They are like hydra here, you cut off one branch and a bunch more take it's place.