Testing for Snuffles.....

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Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Amherstburg, Ontario
Does anyone have an online or connection on how to test a rabbit for snuffles?

I got a rabbit at show.
Young, about 8weeks old
By the last day of the show it was sneezing
Very very small amount of white snot. (keep in mind that the cages were not the cleanest by day 3 and she had strange hay)
It was isolated and put in my quiet garage.... no further symptoms noted.... however, now I am nervous!!! I don't want to bring this rabbit to the barn if it had snuffles (active or dormant) I also don't want to cull if it isn't snuffles, because I have a hard time finding Harlequin.. and she will work in my breeding program.

I'm in SW Ontario, Canada - I'm not going to a vet... too expensive!! (I only paid $25 US for the rabbit!)
Is there an online something?

Not sure on testing... I do know there is someone on here that used a rabbit that knowingly had snuffles in their herd because they needed him (I think it was a buck?) for their breeding goals. They knowingly took a chance and culled hard but if I remember correctly the end result was what they wanted/needed.
Keep an eye on the bunny, keep it inside with you in a clean environement where you can see how often it sneezes.
If it's only a few times here and there it's fine. If it's every 5min or so then keep closer watch. Watch their front paws, are they crusty from dried mucus?
Rabbits suffering from snuffles will often develop absesses on their paws regardless of weight. I've seen one have a huge absess on his forehead and in his cheeks too. They will also lose weight fast.

Bunnies can also have allergies and if the hair is saturated in dust particles and amoniac from unclean settings they'll also sneeze from that. Who can blame em?

Basically keep a close eye on it for a couple weeks keeping it in quarantine. Try and spend a hour or 2 with it every day if you can. If it looks like it's just a normal bunny for the next 2 weeks, it's most likelly healthy.
We are going into week two for Columbus (Yes, I know... this is what happens when I let my Niece name rabbits!!)
She has been living in a really large cage in my garage.
She has not shown any sneezing or snot since the last day of the show May 7th or sneezing since then .... Her nose was a little bit wet May 8th...
She has had hay cubes instead of loose hay and has been fed exclusively the feed that she came with.

This week she will be transitioned to my feed and this weekend she will get a trip to the Market to be pet by kids.... if these things don't trigger a full blown attack, I feel confident she had an environmental reaction and I over reacted...
(the breeder I got her from came highly recommended by another breeder I met... the other rabbit I got did not, but has not shown any sneezing issues)

THANK YOU!! Everyone for your comments!
Columbus is now transitioned to my feed....
Came into the garage yesterday to a rattly breathing sound???? Her nose is fine, but what the heck is the rattly noise?

Is this a thing with Snuffles?
Or could it be something else?

I'm seriously considering culling ... cutting my losses and closing my herd....
Oh no, I'm so sorry SarniaTricia. :( I'd be considering culling as well, don't want to take any chances with snuffles and since it is a respiratory illness... too much coincidence paired with the sneezing and now the rattle.
Oh no :( I'm sorry! It is a tough decision without the obvious visual signs, but that is something that is NOT fun to deal with if it does take hold within your rabbitry. I have only brought in two rabbits since my first round with it early in my rabbit adventures, and that was well over a year ago - I pretty much have a closed herd at this point.
Update on Columbus..... My little Chocolate Magpie Harlequin Doe.....

So it has been over 4 weeks since the sneezing (and very small amount of snot)
She has been in quarantine since I got her May 7th in Ohio.

The breeder I got her from is a well known and respected Harlequin Breeder.... I have made a point of stressing this rabbit by bringing her to the farmers market with me on Saturday mornings.
So far, no repeat of the snot I saw when we left Ohio with her.

I am on the hunt for a vet who will do a pasturella test for a reasonable $$.
I don't want a whole vet visit, just the swab and lab work.

She is a health happy little thing and I really don't want to cull her if she isn't a carrier...
I want solid proof either way.... if she is? Should I alert the breeder that there may be an issue with her herd? <br /><br /> -- Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:22 pm -- <br /><br /> Just got off the phone with 3 different clinics in the area!!

best price was a $75 vet visit and $200+ for lab work!!!
That's just crazy! If I sold my whole herd, I might get the $300+ after taxes that testing one rabbit would cost!

This is very disheartening....

Anyone in Michigan know of a way to get this culture done if I make a special trip over to get it done??
Willing to pay about $50 US to find out.
Thanks Everyone!
Thank you Maggie,but Guelph is 3-3.5 hours away from me...
It would be quicker to flip over to the US and find someone to test there....
I finally bucked up and asked the breeder if she has ever had issues.

She hasn't shown any other issues except that first Sunday and a couple days later... :(
I have stressed the rabbit by bringing it to the market and encouraging others to pet her and handle her... no further symptoms...
I'm starting to think I over reacted... BUT.... I am thinking if I can't get a test with a solid result, she might live in my garage for now and I'll give her a visit with my chocolate buck before he heads for freezer camp and see what happens.

That will be near the end of the summer, before she is old enough for that ... so until then, she a spoiled pet. :D
SarniaTricia":3ez83gmb said:
Thank you Maggie,but Guelph is 3-3.5 hours away from me...
It would be quicker to flip over to the US and find someone to test there....
I finally bucked up and asked the breeder if she has ever had issues.

She hasn't shown any other issues except that first Sunday and a couple days later... :(
I have stressed the rabbit by bringing it to the market and encouraging others to pet her and handle her... no further symptoms...
I'm starting to think I over reacted... BUT.... I am thinking if I can't get a test with a solid result, she might live in my garage for now and I'll give her a visit with my chocolate buck before he heads for freezer camp and see what happens.

That will be near the end of the summer, before she is old enough for that ... so until then, she a spoiled pet. :D

That's not a bad idea, IMO. It's a buck with a final destination already planned so not much risk there, and between the pregnancy and raising kits, between her and them you might have a better idea what is going on. I will say, my limited experience with it, the white snot was beyond obvious. I did have a carrier doe that never showed signs herself (well, not the obvious ones that you would expect - she would eat the fur off of herself and her kits, I thought it was a nutrient deficiency). When she had kits they were born with white blisters and started blowing snot within a couple/few weeks.
I know Guelph is a long way from you, Tricia, but I thought that they might do it at a better price and perhaps you could courier the sample to them and get the report by fax/email/snail.

But if you can get it done across the border more easily or cheaply, I'd say go for it.

As for your plan to breed her to a buck headed for freezer camp, I think it's a good one. I would not put the buck back in general population after the breeding, not even short term.
read just a few of the messages.

1. NOTE to yourself... see SNOT.. TURN THE OTHER WAY! Seriously. Snot is one of three things in my experience. 1. snuffles/pasturella 2. Bordatella 2. Pneumonia.

2. I don't mess around wondering if its allergies or a messy environment. if other rabbits around are fine and this one isn't.. I simply don't keep as part of my herd.

3. rattly sound...could be pneumonia, could be lung issue, but with the snot and wet nose day, I'd say pasturella. I'd be contacting the breeder (if you haven't done so already).

Breeders sometimes don't know. in their barn, everyone is relaxed and used to their environment so no stress. Pasturella is a master hider. Then stress happens and snot appears.

my personal opinion... generic pasturella...so not the systemic or bone crushing type... is an immunological problem. rabbits with poor immune systems due to stress of any sort show it. Rabbits with good immune systems keep it under control.

I got a response from the breeder this morning ... she has never had issues with Pasturella, she is thinking it is bordatella. I did treat the rabbit with PenG when I got it home.

I have since had no issues... but your comments have made me rethink introducing her to the building the herd is in ....... Uuuuggggg. I hate not knowing for sure!!!....

back to the Plan B and Plan C and Plan D
(Plan B is find a place in the US to do a test... Plan C is keep her in my garage and breed her to a cull at the end of the summer, you all know what Plan D is..... ;) )

-- Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:34 pm --


Found it!!
This lab takes shipped samples... now I just need to find the tools and the time... for about $45 US ($20 for the test and $25 for shipping) Plus the cost of shipping container and swab supplies....

Has anyone used this? <br /><br /> -- Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:38 pm -- <br /><br /> I finally broke down and told a friend that is paranoid about snuffles (had her whole show herd contaminated from a sick animal at a show)..... she gave me the site and also (surprisingly) said I might be ok, because the symptoms were so brief and only appeared for a brief moment... (during the pack-up from the show and trip home)

I still think this little doe is staying in quarantine till I have answers.