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I've heard that the corn prices there skyrocketed. We got an awesome week long storm that rained and brought the temperatures back down!
WildWolf":12wnq6v7 said:
I've heard that the corn prices there skyrocketed. We got an awesome week long storm that rained and brought the temperatures back down!

Not yet. Most of that will happen later in the summer and start hiking in the fall. The price of corn influences alot of things.

Think of it like this:
Anything which is fed corn (beef, dairy cattle, chickens, hogs);
Anything which contains milk products (milk, cheese, etc.);
Anything which contains corn sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup);
gasoline (which contains corn-based ethanol)
All are going to spike in price.

It goes alot further than merely the corn itself.

The farmers around here who planted more corn than usual this season are going to be getting a much better price for it this year than they have in the past. That is how serious the crop damage is in the corn belt states right now.
Wildwolf- I was down in NC camping all last week, it sure did rain alot but most days it cleared up for a while so kids could still go outside. My 11 yr old is at camp down in NC now. He is loving camp so far, it is through the planetarium and UNC.

We are back in another 100F heat wave right now. I don't even want to guess at my electric bill.
Yeah, as soon as the rain stopped here, the temps are back up into the high 90s. Today- just 2 days since the last rain- it's supposed to be 97.
Well I found a wall fan with a pull chain at a rummage sale on the way from a dog show Saturday. What a score. Then I figured I'd drill my black turbo fans to the walls anyway, turned them over, and they have wall hooks! I've had them for three years and never noticed. They are the small black plastic ones from Lowes. I think I will just get a few more and mount them, and just take them down once a month and dust them. It's starting to feel like a wind tunnel in the bunny barn.
haha! I think my rabbits have finally figured out to lay near the frozen water bottle. They still won't lay right up against it or on top of it.
Hi all,

Was talking to the feed store guy today and he said they have already been given advanced warning that ALL animal feeds will be having a major price spike the first of August.

As for the corn, EVERYTHING will go up in price because of the bad harvest this year on top of the less-than-stellar harvest last year.

As for cooling an outdoor rabbitry, try installing another roof at least 6" above the current one ... this will cause a draw of air, and you can wet the upper roof which will then cool the air below. If the roof over the rabbits isn't pitched, try pitching the upper roof up on the side with summer prevailing winds (south/southwest). Also, adding 12" or more of overhang will also help with cooling.
AnnClaire":mooj9v4r said:
As for cooling an outdoor rabbitry, try installing another roof at least 6" above the current one ... this will cause a draw of air, and you can wet the upper roof which will then cool the air below. If the roof over the rabbits isn't pitched, try pitching the upper roof up on the side with summer prevailing winds (south/southwest). Also, adding 12" or more of overhang will also help with cooling.

good idea!
SatinsRule":1gnhqgpn said:
Think of it like this:
Anything which is fed corn (beef, dairy cattle, chickens, hogs);
Anything which contains milk products (milk, cheese, etc.);
Anything which contains corn sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup);
gasoline (which contains corn-based ethanol)
All are going to spike in price.

More disturbing still is the fact that soaring food costs spark riots. According to this study, if food costs continue to rise as expected, there will be rioting on a global scale by August 2013:

http://www.technologyreview.com/view/42 ... e-of-food/

And then we have this:
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012 ... o-currency

Hunker down with those bunnies, my friends! :paranoid:
I have seen a prediction that there will be starvation and food riots in the US as soon as this winter :(
And of course, it shouldn't surprise anyone when all the above happens and our president runs around the country with another boring, misplaced, pizz pour round of blaming it on GWB. It's a tired phrase that we've already heard too often in 4+ years, dating back to when he first announced he was running in the first place. It's what people who have no idea how to lead do to try and cover for it.