Switched to Penpals

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Met a Penpals dealer at the show, turns out he is on the other side of town, but closer than TSC. I took a bag of 18% home, and mixed it with the MannaPro. In the short time I've been using it, it seems like my jrs look bigger, the kits that did not make jr weight are now suddenly at 4lbs or better, and putting the same amount of feed as usual means that buns are leaving food in the feeder. I am sure that's not because they don't like it, they rattle the cage and attack the stuff. It seems like they are getting full faster.

I was told be careful with the dwarfs. I cut their rations and added more hay.

The flaxseed is sprouting so I will get that in soon.
It will be interesting to see how the Pen Pals works for you, so please keep us updated. We switched in spring, and we were doing good, but I'm finding alot more fat in the stomach now. Ever since they stopped producing it locally in our state it seems, I'm having alot more dust, it seems more inconsistent, and I'm having a great deal of problems getting does to breed. We have a really big local breeder that was so unhappy with the quality, they bought it by the pallet, and they just stopped feeding it completely. I find it is alot more dusty now than normal. Just keep an eye on how much you are feeding.

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