Summertime & Shows

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lebanon Pennsylvania
I have a question. ;)

This will be my first summer going to rabbit shows.

I was wondering if people prepare for the show and travels differently than in say cooler months ? Is there a difference between cooler months and hot months while at a show with your rabbits ? I noticed over the winter at the shows it was rather comfy for my rabbits, but we were inside. I'm concerned now about the shows during high heat and humidity, because I've never been to a show during hotter months. I'm also told some shows are outside.

Are we allowed to put frozen water bottles in the show cages ? What about spray bottles with water to mist our rabbits ?

Just wondering because it's getting alot hotter with high humidity here and I have 4 shows planned in the next 2 months alone. Just want to be prepared - so far away from home.
A lot of shows are held in air conditioned facilities during the hot weather months. The only ones I've been to in the summer that aren't were held in the evenings/night when the temps were a little cooler. Even then, I carry a fan that I can plug in if necessary. I also have a couple of battery operated fans in case there is no power available. I wouldn't think a bottle of ice would be prohibited although I don't think a wet bun would present very well for the judge. Are you referring to coops or carriers since I was mainly addressing carriers. As far as traveling, I carry mine in the trunk of the car, but I can drop the back seat so the trunk is exposed to the passenger area thus benefiting from the AC and/or open windows as the case may be. When leaving I normally crank up and run the ac with doors / windows / trunk open before loading the rabbits in order to dispel the built up heat. There was a fellow at a show I went to last weekend that has an air conditioned trailer he hauls his rabbits around in.