Could you please clarify, and put your location in your profile to aide in the advice (stealing MaggieJ's thunder).
Did the doe only kindle one kit and it was born DOA; and thus you currently have no kits? Or did she kindle a litter of two or more kits and of that litter there was one kit that was born DOA? <br /><br /> -- Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:47 pm -- <br /><br /> If it is the first situation, rebreeding is a possibility to consider. Depending on your particular setup and/or location (hence the need for your location on your profile

) you may want to avoid summer breeding so you do not have the added stress of pregnancy in addition to the stress of a hot summer.
If you are in an area with a mild summer, or your rabbits are in a temperature controlled area, or if your rabbits handle the heat well, or if you want to take the chance; then rebreeding could be an option.
If it is the second situation, the doe has a litter she is taking care of, you might want to consider waiting to rebreed. I personally like to give my does some time off between litters, 2-3 months. Although I have rebred as early as 2 weeks after kindling due to special circumstances. There isn't anything necessarily wrong with breeding back right away (many people have had the surprise litter plus a second surprise litter a month later because the buck bred the doe the day she kindled). It won't kill your doe or anything (it is similar to what occurs naturally in the wild).
The other thing to consider is heat sterility. If your bucks are exposed to high temperature (e.g., temperatures in the 90's for a few days or so) they can become sterile and you have to wait awhile until they are no longer shooting blanks.