my approach to difficult does.... NOTE.. I used to do a whole variety of things, now I just don't bother. I simply run them with a buck in a large cage for 3-7 days. They are usually bred day 2.
Sometimes with does it's a mental issue for them. Running them with the buck gets that mental issue out of their heads. If they don't breed after running with the buck and EVERYONE else is breeding, I simply remove that rabbit from my breeding program. I don't have time to mess around with rabbits that don't want to breed when EVERYONE else is breeding.
It would be different if the whole herd was having issues, but one doe? It's more than likely the doe rather than anything else. False pregnancies can mess with a doe mentally... and seriously.. the ONLY solution I have had to that problem is to run a buck with the doe for an extended period of time.. no less than two weeks.
Other things that I have done in the past with success
1. put doe in the bucks cage and vice versa. Leave her there a couple days then switch them back.. next day breed the doe.
2. ACV in the water.
3. limiting feed for 1-2 weeks prior to breeding then feeding a bit more than a normal portion for a couple days.
4. feeding ONLY hay for a week then giving grains/pellets
5. feeding more greens
6. car ride for an entire day
7. extra light shining INTO the cage (just not as an ambient light for the shelter but actual light ON the rabbit)..needed for at least two days.
8. persistence.. putting doe into the cage EVERY SINGLE day .. morning and night.
9. Putting the buck into the does cage.. had one doe who simply wouldn't breed with a buck UNLESS I brought HIM to her.
One thing I will add.. when you find out what works with a peculiar doe.. document it so you know what to be mindful of if you happen to hold back a kit from her. Save yourself some grief.