Strange (to Me) Kit šŸ°

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Rabbits by Accident

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
I have a new litter of 9 kits. All healthy & alive. One looks really odd though. Either he has wavy hair, or no hair in stripes...
Or maybe he's just not fed, he could possibly be malnourished as there were problems with the nest that I hopefully remedied today. I fully expect that his wonderful mom will feed him tonight.

Any suggestions? Ever seen this before? Comments appreciated.

- Liz
I think it looks underfed, not sure about the wrinkles though
yes, I thought so too. I think the problem was the horrible hay I put in there. They were all scattered around a very large (cat litter box) nest box. I think some of them couldn't make it to mom in time for the buffet. I am pretty sure she will remedy this tonight, she is a wonderful mother.
This was the old nestbox filler.
Looks better fed now. It's still pretty young yet to tell much of anything on what the coat or final color will be. In a few more days the final colors may be more apparent. Could the darker stripes be dirt of some sort?
Looks better fed now. It's still pretty young yet to tell much of anything on what the coat or final color will be. In a few more days the final colors may be more apparent. Could the darker stripes be dirt of some sort?
What?? are you implying my kits are dirty? I have the cleanest kits on the block! I put them through the dishwasher to make sure.

Ok, I'm just in a goofy mood. No, I'm fairly sure it's not dirt. However, today, I couldn't even tell which kit it was, he has caught up and blended in with the others. I was hoping it would be a stripe!!! Rats!! Maybe when they are a couple weeks old, I'll see some interesting color patterns, but right now it's pretty much white or black ... rats! Well, no, they look like rats, but they're rabbits actually.
My kits that looked like that early on ended up being curly rabbits or astrex. They are really pretty. Look up pictures online and you will see the wave of their fur, they look like little sheep later on.
Well, I don't think that's the case here - I can't even tell which one it was. I think it was the runt and she was just underfed at that point.
She's fat & happy now :)
A bit late, but that happens all the time if they get pee or fluids stuck to them when they are younger... their skin grows faster than the fur get itself clean so you see stripes of clean fur and dirty fur
A bit late, but that happens all the time if they get pee or fluids stuck to them when they are younger... their skin grows faster than the fur get itself clean so you see stripes of clean fur and dirty fur
That's interesting, but she was perfectly clean. Just really wrinkly. I think she was just too small to get enough to eat the first couple days. There were 9 kits and she was the smallest. She's since caught up :)