soyameal,,,, GMO

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Jan 1, 2012
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Near ottawa ontario
I am kinda a health conscious on what we eat and what my animals eat. Especially if we eat them. So it brings me to this deilma. rabbit pellets have soyameal in it. It is one of the grains list on the GMO list. Then we eat the rabbit. I am not to von of this idea at all. If we didnt eat them .. I wouldnt care... I dont eat any margarine or any process foods or junk food ect. Anyone else have this concern... You can not buy pellets with out.
I stopped feeding my dogs processed food five years ago. I wish I could do the same for the buns and myself. It's just not cost effective. I wish I could stop feeding pellets to the buns. If you've got the time and the money, give up the pellets.
skysthelimit":smyyqsms said:
If you've got the time and the money, give up the pellets.
I have given up the pellets before. I just started back about a month or so ago..because of the drought. The grains here went way up in price. And alfalfa hay went from 3.50 a bale to 8 dollars a bale and there is allot of the waste. It isnt feisable to go to grains compare to pellets. I am looking at another source right now. I am for all natural feeding. But you have to be relistic about it also.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":32zfme0p said:
skysthelimit":32zfme0p said:
If you've got the time and the money, give up the pellets.
I have given up the pellets before. I just started back about a month or so ago..because of the drought. The grains here went way up in price. And alfalfa hay went from 3.50 a bale to 8 dollars a bale and there is allot of the waste. It isnt feisable to go to grains compare to pellets. I am looking at another source right now. I am for all natural feeding. But you have to be relistic about it also.

The realistic part is where I'm at. I would have to cull half my herd to be able to afford to go pellet free. Hay here is $10, and that's not even the pure alfalfa bale.
I'm in the SAME place as you with respect to GMOs, but I started my rabbits on grain feed from the very beginning, long before I knew just how dangerous GMOs are. It has strengthened my resolve to never go back to pellets, and I'm even considering at least partial pasture-feeding. I'm also MUCH more diligent about removing every bit of corn (another notorious GMO) I can find in their grain.
LA City Council Unanimously Endorses Yes on 37
Posted by Stacy Malkan 1565pc on October 24, 2012 · Flag
"California would join 61 other countries that already label genetically engineered foods, and Prop 37 would also prohibit such foods from being marketed as “natural.”"
In a perfect world, I be on a farm and be able to grow my feed for my rabbits and my own food as well. But alas, I'm not. As much as I don't like soybeans or any generically altered food, I'm not in the position to be able to not rely on pellets. But I know that my water is clean. Reverse Osmosis. Takes the Radioactivity out. Something the Government agreed, along with the activists, there could be safe standards too. Though studies said Zero amount, a little bit is now acceptable. Also know my garden is clean and healthy as well. Some things I can grow to suppliment my rabbit's diet, as well as ours.

Good to hear California turned down jumping on the bandwagon to push GMO's as "natural". New Jersey's full of farms growing soybeans. But then again, you can see what they allow in their water. Truly not the Garden State any more.


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