Yeah, super Zab with ''solid bottoms are great'' rants got sore hocks in her rabbitry. :tomato: (I still think solid bottoms are the best though
but I'm not very proud of myself at the moment)
BUT.. well. I could use some advice. The reason Kori got this is obvious - he had very little bedding in the cage and it was all in the litter box and in the opposite corner of the cage. He also had very overgrown nails... I can't believed I've neglected that part of their care so much. I trimmed them when I got the rabbits.. and I just never thought of it since, it was more than half a year ago. I have checked the does but they never needed any trim at all, or just a millimeter on the front paws.. (it obviously makes a differense to have them on the bigger space with more running.. even today I naturally checked the nails when I noticed Koris, and the hind feet are so short and smooth already I just can't take much. I couldn't get Koris down as much as their already was. Took some of their front feet nails though) t feels like I've just had them a few weeks... And still, there's no excuse to neglect their care like that. I can't believe I put so much effort in making nice homes for them, researching feed etc and forget such an important part of their care. So stupid.
Anyhow, there is no open wounds, the skin is still intact. But both feet has a little larger than pea-sizes. bald spots. Very red and the feet is pretty swollen. It's not really the hocks but someplace in the middle between the toes and the actual hock/heel. I noticed he was moving funny in the cage..not hopping like normal but standing on his toes... so I took him out and found it.
I of course trimmed the nails immediatly. I think they're short enough to not be a bother now, but I'll take a little at a time and often unill they're perfect. I cut one into blood so I've taken as much as I can for now. I also filled his cage with bedding and will make sure all of it is covered and soft. He is already moving and standing more normal.
Is there anything more I can/should do? Please note that all types of antibiotics or cortison or any other drug is on prescription only here. But should I wash it? Wrap his feet? Put some hydrating ointment on? There's no open wound as I mentioned, so I hesitate about making the skin wet or so.. I could wrap the feet, question is how long it will stay on and how great of a risk there is he just eats the wetwrap and get's himself really sick.. :x So.. should I just let it be and hope that it will heal itself once the cause is dealt with? Or should I do something more?
I'm concidering to give him a soft fleece-blanket to sit on.. they won't rip into strings so they're fairly chewing-safe even if he ruins it. He is pretty much littertrained (by himself) so I think it has a chance of being clean.
Koris cage.. WITH bedding. You think he should have more?
BUT.. well. I could use some advice. The reason Kori got this is obvious - he had very little bedding in the cage and it was all in the litter box and in the opposite corner of the cage. He also had very overgrown nails... I can't believed I've neglected that part of their care so much. I trimmed them when I got the rabbits.. and I just never thought of it since, it was more than half a year ago. I have checked the does but they never needed any trim at all, or just a millimeter on the front paws.. (it obviously makes a differense to have them on the bigger space with more running.. even today I naturally checked the nails when I noticed Koris, and the hind feet are so short and smooth already I just can't take much. I couldn't get Koris down as much as their already was. Took some of their front feet nails though) t feels like I've just had them a few weeks... And still, there's no excuse to neglect their care like that. I can't believe I put so much effort in making nice homes for them, researching feed etc and forget such an important part of their care. So stupid.
Anyhow, there is no open wounds, the skin is still intact. But both feet has a little larger than pea-sizes. bald spots. Very red and the feet is pretty swollen. It's not really the hocks but someplace in the middle between the toes and the actual hock/heel. I noticed he was moving funny in the cage..not hopping like normal but standing on his toes... so I took him out and found it.
I of course trimmed the nails immediatly. I think they're short enough to not be a bother now, but I'll take a little at a time and often unill they're perfect. I cut one into blood so I've taken as much as I can for now. I also filled his cage with bedding and will make sure all of it is covered and soft. He is already moving and standing more normal.
Is there anything more I can/should do? Please note that all types of antibiotics or cortison or any other drug is on prescription only here. But should I wash it? Wrap his feet? Put some hydrating ointment on? There's no open wound as I mentioned, so I hesitate about making the skin wet or so.. I could wrap the feet, question is how long it will stay on and how great of a risk there is he just eats the wetwrap and get's himself really sick.. :x So.. should I just let it be and hope that it will heal itself once the cause is dealt with? Or should I do something more?
I'm concidering to give him a soft fleece-blanket to sit on.. they won't rip into strings so they're fairly chewing-safe even if he ruins it. He is pretty much littertrained (by himself) so I think it has a chance of being clean.
Koris cage.. WITH bedding. You think he should have more?