Someone wanting 2 pairs of breeders...

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May 11, 2015
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I have two litters growing out right now. One is 13.5 weeks, the other 8.5 weeks - same buck, different does. DH's coworker is wanting to get back into rabbits and wants two pairs for breeding. Should I set aside two does from one and two bucks from the other, or one of each from each set? I am still in the learning stages for line breeding so I am not sure which would be the best option for him.
I'd be very forward and ask him. I'm sure he would make it known which way he wants it if one fits his breeding plan better than the other.
Honestly, I don't see much difference other than his preference in record-keeping. I'm pretty OCD about my records being a *certain* way.

Let's say you have litter A (bred from Doe A and Buck X) and litter B (bred from Doe B and buck X)
2 does from A (AD1 and AD2) and 2 bucks from B (BB1 and BB2). He breeds AD1 to BB1 and AD2 to BB2. All kits are related to Buck X from both parents and both doe A and Doe B (once from each parent).

BUT now let's say you have litter A (bred from Doe A and Buck X) and litter B (bred from Doe B and buck X)
2 does, one from each litter (AD1 and BD1) and 2 bucks, one from each litter (AB1 and BB1). He breeds AD1 to AB1 and BD1 to BB1. All kits are related to Buck X from both parents and both doe A and Doe B (once from each parent). Only now he has the choice to breed AB1 to AD1 which results in grandparents only being Buck X and Doe A or doing the same with B. He can do it but it's not the best choice if he wants to work on a pedigree as that is breeding brother to sister twice.

Personally I prefer the first option as it seems slightly easier to follow because he KNOWS all of his received does are from doe A and all of his bucks are from doe B. But he may find the other way easier and might not care about inbreeding.
Sali":1x6deo9f said:
Honestly, I don't see much difference other than his preference in record-keeping. I'm pretty OCD about my records being a *certain* way.

Let's say you have litter A (bred from Doe A and Buck X) and litter B (bred from Doe B and buck X)
2 does from A (AD1 and AD2) and 2 bucks from B (BB1 and BB2). He breeds AD1 to BB1 and AD2 to BB2. All kits are related to Buck X from both parents and both doe A and Doe B (once from each parent).

BUT now let's say you have litter A (bred from Doe A and Buck X) and litter B (bred from Doe B and buck X)
2 does, one from each litter (AD1 and BD1) and 2 bucks, one from each litter (AB1 and BB1). He breeds AD1 to AB1 and BD1 to BB1. All kits are related to Buck X from both parents and both doe A and Doe B (once from each parent). Only now he has the choice to breed AB1 to AD1 which results in grandparents only being Buck X and Doe A or doing the same with B. He can do it but it's not the best choice if he wants to work on a pedigree as that is breeding brother to sister twice.

Personally I prefer the first option as it seems slightly easier to follow because he KNOWS all of his received does are from doe A and all of his bucks are from doe B. But he may find the other way easier and might not care about inbreeding.

He was wanting all unrelated, but I don't have that option since I only have one REW/NZW buck... he does know that bit of information. We discussed line breeding vs. inbreeding a bit, so I was trying to work through the lines in my head, but it's been a string of not-so-good, chaotic days (well, weeks really) so I can't keep a train of thought to save my life. Shoot, the last two bank deposits I made had the (simple) math done incorrectly. I'm lucky my head's attached at this point! Thank you for walking through it... I knew one way would be better than another, I just couldn't get the gears turning well enough to pin point it.
NP, they are both basically the same results, just one is more "simple" for beginning records (and no need for tattoos right away) and the other allows for brother to sister, if desired.

They technically could breed brother to sister from both pairings then cross out for the generation after that and still get essentially the same results.

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