Some does...just can't be moms

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
So I decided to give the nicest typed rabbit in the barn five chances to be a mom.

She gets no more chances. :(

She has consistently either delivered dead kits full term or three days late. Yesterday it was another failed litter. Used different bucks each time round.

It's rather vexing when you can't get your nicest doe to produce young... particularly since...other than being white she was what you aim for personality wise as well as having good type.

I am thankful that her full sister has managed after three kicks at the can to give me a healthy litter of three. All small, all looking to decently typed. She wasn't the worlds greatest mom but from a litter of four she managed to bring three kits to weaning age. One is the tiniest, happiest kit I've ever raised. :) it's just a bundle of zip and bounce. So...though I'm vexed I'm also pleased.

'Tis indeed the world of rabbit raising is it not?
know anything about the family history on those girls? If poor reproduction habits is a major influence, you maywant to try to breed it out by using a male thathas god mothering and reproductive issues behind him, as well as the type you want.
yeah, I know their family history. Mom easy to breed. Dad from an easy be breed doe. not what I expected from these two. THOUGH>>> great gramma could occasionally be problematic with breeding (prone to put on weight so I've watched the weight carefully on these two).