so I have kits or is it popples? *New Pic*

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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Someplace in this mess that is. I haven't fully checked but Ali had some blood on her so I'm assuming she had kits. It's a bit cold outside (after 80 or higher temps this past week/month) so I'm gonna wait until tomorrow before getting the box turned and expect it since the sun is suppose to come out tomorrow and it's suppose to be warmer. Unless the sun comes out today and I notice.

And I'm expecting Mamma to have her kits soon too, she is a proven doe so I know if my doe from today doesn't take care of her babies I can foster them to Mamma. They were bred on the same day so I hope Mamma isn't waiting until Easter to have her babies. But good thing is I can tell when Mamma is bred, she becomes evil when pregnant and when close to kindling she'll be nice and want attention a little bit more than she normally does.

I need to get the other grow out/kit raising cage now. Oh well I'll see if my dad will lend the money to me to pay my phone bill, or at least make up the difference. Not that I can move them until after the babies start hopping around, none of my nest boxes have bottoms on them, just lots of hay to keep them off the wire. Clearly I'm still using my winter next boxes, haven't been able to order my summer ones or make any like I did with my winter ones.

Anyway, I'll be happy to have kits around again since that means I can take pictures to use for my website and get it rightly made.
Congratulations! Nice nest... must be popples in there somewhere!


Rabbit kit is the proper term, but we like to call them popples. It's sort of a pet name in reference to the popping action when you open the nest. :D
Heh, they don't really start popping like corn until the are a couple of days old :D

and......"howdy neighbor"
I love when they make arched nests like that! She pulled a good amount of fur, too! If you watch the fur you will sometimes see it moving and know there are kits in there that way- if it is cold out, I will often just reach under the fur to feel for kits. You can feel for any dead ones and pull those out until you can get a really good look into the nest.

Congrats on the kits or soon to be kits!
If there aren't any in there then it's nice and warm for nothing... I manged to turn it a little bit enough to get my hand in to see if it was warm... I didn't want to take it out due to it being so warm.

MSD, the archness may be part of my doing, I shove hay in the boxes and let them make their own hollows and nests in it.. they seem to make good ones that way.

Howdy Avdpass77, I might have ya beat on the most mixed up rabbits unsure on that though.
nice nest! i call them whirlwind nests :) looks like a tornado :D nice lot of fur too. hopefully you can get in there soon to see whats there :)
It's official, 8 kits... all healthy and well fed and I think only two are gonna give me trouble since one squeaked when I picked it up and the other didn't want to be held at all. Most are broken or have black around the eyes and on the ears and white is main color. The father is a Holland lop (I just don't know which one since I put both in with her), since I'm sure if my Thumper got her there would be more solid browns in it.

Pics will be posted when they start coming out or the next 70's day without a wind chill, which ever comes first.<br /><br />__________ April 8th, 2012, 6:49 pm __________<br /><br />

And here is a picture of the 4 day old kits. Only got one due to them thinking it was feeding time and were "hopping" and wouldn't stay still, had to have my mom hold her hands over them to make sure none got out of the basket I put them in while I had to clean the nest box.

Not all can be seen but there are suppose to be 8 of them and all are colored like that. Should have some adorable broken black lops out of this litter. I'll just add pictures to this thread of this litter when I take them but that probably won't be until they start hopping out of the nest box. Although I'm wondering where the heck did all the fur for the nest come from? I pulled out like three handfuls and yet Ali doesn't have any bold patches on her.

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