So, about these Champagne d'Argents...

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My Rex have nice coats as adults or they don't survive, literally. They're housed outdoors and I get as much winter as a Texan gets summer, soooo.......
PSFAngoras":32ymq255 said:
As far as the Rex, she also shows and said that a lot of Rex lines around here are known for over eating, and slow growth. She also said that typically, after their first really nice prime coat, their coat goes down bill from there. I guess it would explain why my youngest have the best coats, and the older the rabbit is, the less of a coat it has. Makes sense, I suppose.

I have the same problem. After senior prime, the coat is no longer showable. If I miss a chance at showing, because they were born the wrong season, or whatever the case, after 10 mos old the coat is useless for show. And forget showing after breeding, no such thing. I don't even tan the hides of the older ones, the coats are so splotchy, because they continue to molt unevenly for the rest of there lives. That is the reason why I got the Jersey Woolies.
I'm sure there's good stock out here, but these ones are going down hill. I'm sure its the lines. I'll just wait till all kits are 8 weeks and cull everyone. After consideration, I don't even feel comfortable selling knowing how this line runs. Well, there's $130 on breeding stock and 5 months of my time down the drain...

At least the champagnes hold promise!!!
I understand, I have terminally culled 99% of all Rex litters here for the last two years and replaced my adult breeding stock three times. I hope the Champagnes work out, they sure are handsome animals.
Thank you, so do I :)

Hope your rex will work out for you too, they are beautiful when you find the right lines. It would be awesome if you succeeded.

I just don't see a need to keep trying when I know the breeder I got my lines from is one if the better breeders of rex in be state, and mine are still riddled with all these little trifles and the coats on all but the buck are clearly goin down hill. May keep him as a meat breeder until the champs are old enough and then sell them, by everyone else is freezer bound.