So, a snake attacked my baby bunnies. He passed =(

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Fireclaws bunnbutts

Well-known member
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Vienna, Wv
So I got a question. How easily do 4 day old babies bounce back from a traumatic experience? Short story version, last night it was really hot so I left my bedroom window open, and apparently a 2 1/2 foot black snake decided to crawl through my window and found the baby bunnies a little bit ago, I had just got done eating a late breakfast and heard momma bun going crazy running around and spazzing out and I looked and found a freakin' SNAKE in the nest box! Note that these rabbits are IN THE HOUSE, I managed to save the baby by whackin the snake until the baby popped out of it's mouth, it hadn't constricted or started to swallow the baby yet, was just holding on, but the babys got scratches and bites all over, including a really deep bite on it’s hip.

I looked all over the place and everything said Bacitricin was safe, so I put some on the deepest wounds to hopefully prevent the multitude of bacteria that snakes have in their mouths from entering it’s tiny little body. It doesn’t seem overly stressed. It was still warm and it’s breathing is normal too. Moving normal etc. The only thing I hadn't thought about until now was the fur sticking to the wound x_x.

It figures, because once again, it's one of my two favorites of the four survivors out of 5.

That being said, I dropped a baby from my last litter, onto it's head, on a hardwood floor, and it was fine lol. But still animal bites are always different than blunt force trauma.
If you have Blu-kote or Nu-stock those are great and you don't have to worry if momma licks it off..Fro what I have read here don't worry about the hair sticking to it as it will seal it and make a natural bandage. :) sorry about the snake..I hate snakes...we have a lot of snakes being in the dessert...I keep a flat blade shovel handy for getting rid of them. Some people love snakes, I am not one of them. :lol:
Sorry about the baby bun . . . about all you can do it try to keep the wound from getting infected. I don't think you can predict the effects of the trauma, but will just have to wait and see.

Don't you have screens on your windows? I can't imagine living without screens where there are mosquitoes.
Ironically, the only window that doesn't have a screen on it is the bedroom xD. It popped off about a year ago and I just never put it back, but to be fair, I never keep that window open either.

Here's the worst wound on the poor little thing, I think one of the snakes teeth sliced it when I initially panicked and tried to pull the baby out of the snakes mouth, stupid mistake I know :cry: .

This is after I put the bacitracine on it, which is why it looks so runny.
I stand alone on this, but I LOVE our snakes. I keep the weeds cut back around the rabbit barn and chicken shed and they normally stay out. If not I just move them to were they need to be. They eat mice, moles, and rats so they can stay as long as they like.

As for your kit, I'm sorry it had such a horrible experience. But it should do just fine with a little TLC.
You don't stand alone. I love our snakes for all the same reasons. They leave the bunnies alone, but keep the rodent population way down.
I think that wound will heal fine. We tried to help the very first runt we ever had by holding mama down so it could get an extra feeding. Mama had other ideas and kicked the little guy, cutting a pretty good gash in his tender skin. If memory serves right it was about that size. We initially put bacitracin on it but it seemed to bother him , so we just left it alone. He healed just fine and suffered no side effects. (He was a feisty little thing, though!)
:eek: Well, so much for my advice. Obviously my thought that it would heal was way off. . :oops:

:( so sorry about the loss of the kit --and the trauma of finding a snake in your room. Fingers crossed all goes well for the remaining three kits.

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