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Heritage Homestead

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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Whew! I have been very busy and have not been on here as often as I was.

Yesterday I went out to take care of the rabbits (I go out there at least twice a day) and saw that my buck had a little discharge under his nose. It was a creamy white color. Under his chin was also slightly wet, but his front paws were clean and dry.
I quickly brought him inside to seperate him from the other rabbits. I have been watching him all yesterday and today and he has had no more discharge and his chin and paws are dry. Right under his nose though his fur is a little wet, but not much and he ie not wiping it away. He has been sneezing, but he has been doing that for the last month at least. I thought at first that he was coming down with something, but after watching for awhile and no other signs of sickness I took it to be a weird thing of his, though I keep an eye out for anything. He is 5 months old.
I read up on snuffles and saw that one of the signs is runny eyes which he does not have. Other then the discharge the first time and the wetness under his nose he looks normal. He is eating good (he is my little pig!) and is acting normal.
I really hope this is not snuffles as he is my only buck and a very good quality one. :( He is papered and has good lines.
Hope you all can help!
About all you can do is keep him in quarantine, use strict isolation protocols and hope for the best. It could be a number of different things: snuffles, another respiratory problem, allergies. but you need to keep in mind that opaque snot is not a good sign.
H H,
I would use extreme caution so as not to escalate any possible problem.
be sure to care for the ill rabbit last as a precaution to the possible
spread of the disease whatever it might be.
If you should see any increase in symptoms take immediate action.
The welfare of the herd must come before that of any individual.
I hope all goes well and culling does not become necessary.
Ottersatin. :pancake: :eek:ldtimer:
Your doing the right thing. Keep it away from the rest for a while and jus watch it. Thats all you can do right now.
I have always wondered, if most rabbits already carry snuffles, and symptoms emerge due to stress or a weak immune system, why do people use strict isolation for an affected rabbit? I mean, assuming everyone already carries snuffles, how will a sneezing rabbit have any impact on the others?
The idea that ALL rabbit carry/are born with the Snuffles virus/infection is a misnomer!
NOT all rabbit carry Snuffles and if you believe they do and decide to retain any and or
all rabbits that sneeze and blow Snot you are in for a very costly and rude awakening
when the vast majority of your herd comes down with the infection and the whole herd
or most of it needs to be put down! Been there, done that!
This is why I started breeding toward disease resistance. I cull anything that shows any
sign of illness, It works, my herd is virtually disease free. Yes in the beginning
you must be ruthless in your culling procedures, but it pays off in the end.
Having stated what has worked for me, I realize that we all must do what we feel
is best for our herd, we all must learn by our mistakes. I hope that whatever you choose
do do works out well for you.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
There was a little crud on his nose one time yesterday and a little discharge this morning only it looked clear. Don't worry. I take care of my other rabbits first and then wash my hands very well after taking care of the buck.
I know I need to do what is best for the whole herd it is just very hard sometimes to come to grips with it. What I can't understand is why my rabbits (this is the second one, the other a month or so ago) are getting sick. We have a very clean home and animal sheds. Oh, well. Any other advice would be helpful. In all of your guys time of raising rabbits what is the likely hood he may get over this. I think I am just grasing at threads:(.
Thanks to everyone!
Since you are being very careful to keep him well isolated, you can afford to wait and see. It could be something as simple as allergies or an upper respiratory infection other than snuffles. Try to think back to when this started.... and look for the thing that was different at that time.

Sometimes a certain plant or tree producing pollen can cause congestion in people or rabbits. I expect to be "stuffed up" from the time the maple buds burst until the lilacs finish blooming. It's a pattern every year. Patterns are what you need to watch for in order to determine if allergies may be the cause.
Otter, I should have clarified. I mean, many or most rabbits who come from rabbit barns/breeders, or those that have been to shows have potentially been exposed from what I read.
Thanks Everyone! MaggieJ, I'm going to go look at that post right now! Thanks!<br /><br />__________ Wed May 16, 2012 6:33 pm __________<br /><br />Thank you all for your help. I think I'm going to play the wait game here for a little while. Just a couple more questions. :D
For those of you who have dealt with snuffles (or anyone else who knows), how long does it usally take before signs other then the dischrge to show? He hasn't had any more colored discharge for a couple days, but something is coming out because the hair under his nose is slightly wet.
Also, with the allergies suggestion... Would that cause him to have a "runny" nose? I did have straw under him, but that needed covered and I was out so I put down pine shavings and the family thought that his sneezing had not been as often after I did that (maybe it is just wishful thinking!). Has any one had a rabbit allergic to straw?! I'm going to remove all straw from around him and just use the shavings and see what that will do, but any more advice would be great!
Is an occaisional sneeze and slightly watery eyes cause for alarm? I've got a doe with 2 week old kits showing these symptoms but it looks nothing like the suffles pics in that link. No discharge and only the very edge of the fur around her eyes is matted from the tears. It sounds like allergies may be my problem, is there a quick household releif/ remedy for these symptoms?
Well, it doesn't look like removing the straw has worked. He is still sneezing. I can't figure what is wrong with him. He hasn't had any discharge, but right under his nose is still slightly wet.
And no, MaggieJ, I'm not in a hurry to put him back with the others. I don't want to risk getting everyone else sick. Including my growing five week old bunnies!

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