sneezing mom and 3wker w possible wry neck

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2013
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There are seven other kits and I don't know what to do at this point. The one who probably has wry neck has nest box eye, very skinny and tips over when tries to walk. Mom sneezes but there are no liquids (eyes or noise) so I thought it must be hay dust allergies.

I have 9 other rabbits (plus her seven other kids).

Are either treatable? What do you guys think?
I would immediately quarantine the doe and her kits to protect your other rabbits. Care for them last and then wash well and change your clothes to avoid carrying any possible infection to the other rabbits. If you can pinpoint the source of a possible allergy and correct it, the problem may resolve itself in time. If she gets worse, starts blowing white snot etc., then you will need to think again.

The one kit that seems to have wry neck, I would euthanize. It's not likely to recover at this point and may infect its littermates. I know this seems harsh, but you sometimes need to make tough decisions for the good of the herd.
what do I do about the other kits as they get older?

Mom has been sneezing since Jan when I moved her inside to try to breed her. She sneezes mostly when I am putting hay in her cage.
I agree with MaggieJ, quarantine her and the babies. It might be a dust allergy to the hay. Maybe find some better hay with less dust? I would have a separate cage for the babies to go into when it is time to wean them. That is all I can give advice on, sorry it isn't more.