Sneezing and runny nose in momma rabbit (Graphic pictures)

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Jan 13, 2014
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Stonyford, California
Well guys I am not sure if it is just allergies or if she might be getting the sniffles. Lola is sneezing quite a bit and keeps getting these white globs coming out of her eyes. Her nose has a clear discharge as well, not bad but not good either. I took some pics to see if you all could help me with identifying what it might be.
004 (800x600).jpgLola Nose (320x240).jpg
If she was mine, I would quarantine ASAP.

I'd also feed her last. Wash hands and change your clothes after handling her. There are a variety of things to check for. Something in her eyes, perhaps. Dental issues. Try removing anything that might be causing an allergic reaction, but maintain quarantine.

How old are the babies? If they are over 4 weeks old you can wean them...but keep them quarantined as well.
I agree with Zass. Strict quarantine until the kits can be weaned and/or until you figure out the cause of the problem.

Are these meat rabbits? If so, I'd consider raising the kits in quarantine until they are butchering size and dispatching the doe as soon as the kits are weaned. If it turns out to be snuffles or bordetella, I would not suggest putting even the kits back with your other rabbits.

In the meantime, look for anything that might have triggered an allergic reaction. Different hay, cleaning solutions, perfume, cigarette smoke... all these and more can be triggers. Fingers crossed it is only allergies. :clover:
They will be 4 weeks tomorrow. They where born 3/8/14. I wanted to keep the tort doe as part of my breeding program and have 2 that will be sold as pets after Easter. She is on the end of the rabbit run. I always feed her and the babies last. I can move them easily to a bit farther away from the rest of the herd.
Everything is the same, food, bedding, water, except that I had moved and they are now housed outside instead of on my covered porch. She started sneezing yesterday and I saw the eye globs last night. So far no one else is like this. :( I am using antibacterial soap for myself whenever I need to work with her. I wash before and after handling her or the kits. <br /><br /> -- Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:04 pm -- <br /><br /> I moved last month around the 20th of March if that helps as at.
How is the outdoor air quality where you are now? Much air pollution, pollen or anything like that? Just questions to ask yourself.

At four weeks the kits could be weaned. I would move the doe's cage a good long distance from the other rabbits. As far as keeping any of the kits for breeding... I likely wouldn't but then I only raise rabbits for meat and have always had more decent rabbits than space, so the decision of who to cull is easier. If the kits exhibit no symptoms during their growth to maturity, it may speak well of their immune systems.

Play it out and see how it goes. Maybe it is just a passing allergy that will resolve itself. Only you can judge what is the best course of action. But do look at air quality, possible dental problems, irritants in eyes and nostrils etc. before deciding.
We currently have a lot of pollen in the air due to a peach tree that they are under. I have moved her to the other side of the yard from everyone else. The kits are in the last cage I had available which is full of alfalfa and grass hay mix. Will add some rolled oats to it. They are eating more pellets then nursing anyhow.

Thank you all so much for the help. I hope it is just allergies too.
Ah! If there is a lot of pollen and she's not used to it, then that certainly could be the cause. Fingers and toes crossed! You always need to look for the thing that is different when trying to track down the cause of something like this.

All the same, maintain that quarantine! Better safe than sorry!
:( Well she has diarrhea. Whatever it is she is not doing well and it is progressing swiftly. I love her personality and gentleness but she is suffering. Gosh I hate this. There are not any new foods that she has been given. The only thing different is that she is outside under that peach tree. More snot and eye globs too. <br /><br /> -- Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:31 pm -- <br /><br /> Went to check on her again about an hour ago. She was on her side mouth wide open and gasping. I put her down, no sense in letting her suffer like that when there was nothing I could have done for her. :( I will open her up and have a look after the kids go to bed. Maybe you guys can help if I post pics of her organs. Thanks guys. Going to go dig a grave for her. The boys want to burry her tomorrow.
I'm so sorry! By all means, see what you can find out from a necropsy. Pay particular attention to her lungs. This sucks! I was almost convinced that it was nothing worse than an allergic reaction. but I guess I was wrong. It sounds like a rampant respiratory issue: perhaps pneumonia, perhaps pasteurella or bordatella.

Keep the kits isolated and watch them closely for signs of problems. Given this turn of events, I would recommend strict culling of any kits that show even a sign of problems. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but whatever you are dealing with is serious.
I have them down on the north side of our lot. I am watching very closely, I do not want this to affect anyone else's rabbits or pets. I would hate to have to do it but I will cull every one of the kits if needed. :( I want healthy and sweet tempered rabbits only. Who knows, if they grow up staying healthy maybe a doe and buck out of the litter would be good to hold back.

How could this have gone so quickly though? :? Maybe the stress of having to move weakened her immune system and the added stress of the kits just pushed her over the edge?
Because rabbits are prey animals. they hide weaknesses and illnesses as best they can. Stress does tend to bring hidden problems into the open. Respiratory illnesses can move very fast. I'm a bit puzzled by the diarrhea; it does not seem to go with the other symptoms. But then, my experience with rabbit illnesses has been limited.
Alright, first off I put her into the shop fridge within five minutes of putting her down. She was completely cold 30 minutes later when I checked her to see if I needed to make room in the freezer for her. I have a small freezer right now. I degress.... so on with the pics, I hope you all can help me.
stomach and intestines (600x800).jpgbody cavity (600x800).jpgLiver, heart, and lungs (600x800).jpglungs (600x800).jpg

The lungs look really inflamed to me. Not the usual pink I have seen in other critters that I have had to put down.
Holy cow! I have never seen lungs that look like that- I thought it was part of the liver! :shock:

Poor thing- she had to be really miserable at the end. :( I can't believe she hid it so long.

There is gas in the intestines, but whether from not being opened up right away or digestive issues is hard to say.

I'm sorry you lost her.
Thank you both. I know that I did the right thing when she wasn't protesting being put into the wringer. :( When I was getting everything out I thought that it was part of the liver not her lungs as well. I kept looking in there to see if I missed them.

The kits on the other hand are doing great, eating, pooping, and being very active around their HUGE cage all by themselves. I went to go give them some hay just now and all of them where trying to climb the door to get to it. No signs of anything that I can see. Eyes are bright and tails all fluffy. I turned a cardboard box upside down with a hole cut out for them to go into at night though. It is open to the cage wire so it doesn't get soiled. They seem to think it is a jungle gym that they can jump and climb all over.
last time I saw organs like that-- it was clostridium perfingens C -- "and that was bad stuff" keep her young away from everyone else--and wash your hands -- if it is a "clostridium" type-- it will pass and disapear like it was never there. It attacks animals with "other troubles" also the very young.
but-- some streps and staff's do things like that to the innerds also.
Yes, they where surrounding the heart when I pulled it out. Like I said, I thought it might have been part of the liver because of the color, but I took the liver out before I went through the diaphragm to get the heart and lungs.

Michaels~ would staphs or streps cause diarrhea in her before she laid down with mouth gaping?