Skinny doe

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2013
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Midwest USA
When I run my hand down this does back, I can feel her backbone. The other rabbits I can feel their vertebrae, but it is essentially smooth unlike this doe's. When the person got this doe out of her cage last night, she had not eaten her pellets and the person said sometimes rabbits do this. When checking on the rabbits this a.m., I noticed that she didn't eat any of her pellets. We are getting the same kind of pellets these rabbits were eating in about 2 hrs. I fed them grass hay last night and about 1/4 cup of Dumor pellets. I did see this doe put some hay in her mouth and chew, but see quit as soon as she saw me watching her so it is possible she has eaten some hay. Her water she has barely touched if at all. I know with horses, dogs and cats, it is best to change their water over slowly (as well as feed,) Is this true with rabbits? Though the former owner is a bit of a distance away, we need to return her carriers to her and therefore would be able to get some water when we are there as well. I read somewhere on the forum that rabbits brought to a new home may not eat for a few days, but I am concerned about this does weight. Otherwise, her eyes are bright and she was the most curious out of all of them they first arrived looking calmly around and moving about her cage. We bought the cages as well, but didn't get any cage pads. I do have hay in the corner so they do have a comfy place to rest. Currently, the cages are suspended in an empty horse stall at the end of our lean-to. I am sure it was probably a surprise to all of them not to have anything (ie. cage) directly about their heads and more light. ANY input is appreciated. I did read about using watered down Gatorade to encourage drinking. What about watered down apple juice? If you have read my intro or other posts, you will find that we are brand new to the rabbit world. Bought 3 does and 1 buck (Californias) last night from an experienced person who mainly breeds for show. Animals were housed in stacked cages with pans in a small room in a barn.
Get some feed and water she is used to and take time to switch her over. Give her plenty of hay if that is what she is eating. I'd give her a box to hide in to feel safe. Since she is in new surroundings with more room and light she might feel vulnerable. Then give her a few days to see how it goes. When she starts eating, some BOSS might help her put weight back on, about a tbsp a day or so.
Headed out NOW to get some of the same feed. We don't have nesting boxes yet. Would I assume correctly that a plain cardboard box will work for the time being? To make matters worse, she seemed a little heat stressed about an hour ago so got a fan blowing over her now. Didn't have any water bottles frozen but there are two in the freezer now. Hubby said we will return the carriers this evening and get some water too from the previous owner. Would some alfalfa cubes be a good idea? Thank you for your help!!!!! The doe thanks you too in her own way :) .
I've found that marble slabs/tiles from Home Depot are great for beating the conducts heat away from the body. Mine have figured out that if they lie on them, they cool down. I also give frozen water bottles on really hot days; got a photo somewhere of my favorite doe, sprawled out on the marble slab, cuddled up to a frozen bottle. :)

Yes, rabbits love cardboard!!! At least mine do. :)

I have no way to store hay so I feed little compressed alfalfa cubes; all my rabbits enjoy them. :) Maybe that would help her perk up a little?
If she's used to eating alfalfa, that would be fine, if not it's not necessary. Once she starts eating well in your care, you can add other stuff in gradually to help her gain weight.
Give her some cooking oil in case it's due to a hairball blockage, won't hurt any.
I cold turkey switch foods for any animal, as long as it's not a baby and as long as the food is similar in quality. No issues.
Give her a few leaves of plantain or regular grasses to get her eating something. Make sure water is cold, too.
Went to the barn right after I posted. Snuck in quietly and saw this doe with her nose in the water bowl drinking!!!!! Her bowl was about 1/2 empty when she was through. Got water she was used to when returning carriers and added it to her bowl. Didn't mean to sound dumb about the box, but I know with birds, you have shouldn't given them colored newspaper, only black and white and avoid corrugated cardboard with a lot of glue. FWIW, this doe was born in 2011.
We only have olive oil. Is that okay or should I get corn or vegetable oil? Do I put it on the pellets or give it to her orally? If orally, how much?
Don't know what BOSS is. Will do a search of the forum to find out. Will give an update on the doe sometime tomorrow. Thank you to everyone for their help and patience!!!
Thanks for explaining what BOSS is. Happy to report that she did start drinking yesterday soon after I posted. She is eating hay. Bought some bagged timothy and some alfalfa from Rural King this evening along with a hay rack so we could monitor consumption a bit better. I only put a small fistful of alfalfa but a couple handfuls of timothy in it. She nibbled on the alfalfa as I was leaving the barn an hour ago. Just went and checked on her and found her with her nose buried in her pellets eating!!!! I did buy a bag of Manna Pro pro but will wait several more days before starting the switch. Happened upon a real knowledgeable young chap that works at RK who was extremely helpful.<br /><br />__________ Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:05 am __________<br /><br />This doe didn't eat anything in her feeder last night but did eat a small amount of alfalfa hay. She didn't touch the oats, sunflower seeds, or pellets :( . What can I give her to kick in her appetite? I gave her some Manna Pro show supplement which is 4% fat but she did not eat any. Have apple cider vinegar and liquid molasses. Want to try and get some dried molasses today. Read somewhere about mixing ACV and molasses but didn't say liquid or dried and how much. The mixture was to be sprayed on food. Does anyone know about how to do this mixture?
I have been giving them whole oats. What is safe to dewom pregnant does whether natural or chemical? Does are due 10-4-13.
Hoosier":16yazfcw said:
I have been giving them whole oats. What is safe to dewom pregnant does whether natural or chemical? Does are due 10-4-13.
Ok.. don't deworm her ,,, I didn't know she was pregnanat.. I give her some old fashion oats from your kitchen that you can get as oatmeal.. It helps with all of things .. including weight and fussy eaters .. and any poopy problems. It also gives them a bit of a appetite
Kyle, do you know if the porcelain tiles are safe to use? I am happy to report that she ate ALL of her pellets the past two days and most of the BOSS, oats, barley, etc.<br /><br />__________ Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:50 am __________<br /><br />Forgot to add that I gave her rolled barley and and oatmeal from the kitchen and she is eating both well. I went to the health food store and got oat groats and dehulled barley too. Another great thing is that we found a local grower of wheat and barley. I didn't ask him yet if it is GMO or not, but did ask if it had been sprayed and it has not. Something else I found at the health food store was dehydrated fruit without added sugar. It was way cheaper than the little bag of stuff at the Petsmart. I bought some raw pumpkin seeds, split peas, and liquid black strap molasses at the grocery store. She isn't a big fan of the molasses but was enticed by our honey.
I am so happy :D :D :D !!!! I just had to let everybody know that Sadie is eating well. We are giving her pretty well all the grass hay she wants, some alfalfa hay, and a grain mixture of 2 parts feedstore rolled oats, 4 parts old fashioned oatmeal, 2 parts feedstore rolled barley, and 2 parts whole wheat everyday. I also give her raw pumpkin seeds, rolled barley from the healthfood store, oat groats from the healthfood store, and a bit of Calf Manna a few days of week. She will also eat a few BOSS. We found out she really doesn't care for pellets, but we always keep some in her feeder just in case she wants some. Hubby held Minnie, Jake our buck, and Sadie while I trimmed their nails and he said she felt heavier than any of them :D . That sure wasn't the situation a few months ago. We will be careful not to get her too fat. It sure is nice not to feel her ribs when I pet her :)