Single kit getting really fat need recommendations

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Jul 30, 2012
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I have a single NZ kit who was born 4 Sep 2012. Momma lets him nurse whenever he wants to. What is the best way to keep them apart and how much time to give him to nurse her? He is now 13 ounces, I take it this is too fat? He is adorable and very wide!
Thanks to all of you give good advice on here,
MaggieJ had a singleton kit who is now her herd sire. She separated him from his mom and only allowed him to nurse twice a day. You can read the full story here:

I believed I might have had the same problem with 3 remaining kits I have out of the original 9. So I followed Maggie's advice and started bringing them inside. The last couple days I take them out first thing in the morning and leave them out there for about an hour. After that I go out and check their little bellies. They have been full after that time and they then come back inside until the evening and I then take them back out for another hour. After that they are inside for the night.
It seems to be working well even though Mama was not used to haveing the nesting box gone for so long, but she hopes in there right away and hasn't shunned them at all.
Hope this helps!
Ah, Pudge! We had to keep him apart from his mama because he was in danger of killing himself from over-nursing. I brought both mama and kit into the house, but kept them separate except for a short time morning and evening. It worked out very well.
beelewisSC":vwqeebgf said:
I have a single NZ kit who was born 4 Sep 2012. Momma lets him nurse whenever he wants to. What is the best way to keep them apart and how much time to give him to nurse her? He is now 13 ounces, I take it this is too fat? He is adorable and very wide!
Thanks to all of you give good advice on here,
Could you post a picture? When we bred dogs, if they got too big, they had a hard time learning to walk.
from what I have read, some does have more milk than others. It would help to actually see your kit!

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