Since August last year

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2013
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I got to looking at my profile, July and the beginning of Aug was my last activity. Since then I meet my soul mate!! :p

We were to meet and butcher my massive litters from the spring, however I got tired of waiting. I watched a couple of youtube videos and ended up butchering 23 of 27 all in one late July Sunday, by myself first time ever! :roll: I still had four does, and pair of turkeys that should of been chickens from the spring left to butcher. We did finally meet in early August, I gave him two does and male from my herd, to start his own meat breeders. We later on August 22 had our first date. It's been a whirl wind ever since!! :up:

We will be getting married on the anniversary of our first date this year!!! :lovers:

His first wedding, (he is 53, I'm 46 til Aug 23) my second. He has been a bit of a "groomzilla" :-o

I never would of thought getting into meat rabbits would land me where I am today, but I could not be happier. That is the short of my last 8 mos!!!

My husband and I met and married in 8 months. We celebrate 24 years this year. :) Can't say it better than Marinea... I wish you many years of love and happiness! :D