silver fox vs. champagne d'argent - tempermant

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Mar 10, 2013
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I have a 12 year old daughter who is an ARBA youth and wants to show. She currently has mini lop and dutch, but wants to try a meat breed for showing. Although looking for a meat would be for show/pet purposes. Tempermant wise what are the silver fox or champagnes like? Do you prefer one over the other for easy handling/ calmness/ docile etc. or any other meat breed you would recommend for her purpose. Thanks!
I don't know about silver fox but champagnes had to be the most laid back rabbits I've owned. Occasionally I wondered if the silly things were ill or something because you could accidentally dump bedding, hay, or water on them and they'd continue to lay there with their ears flopped out. I don't think I ever got wounded by a champagne either and I have dozens of rabbit scars. Most from my mutts when I didn't handle them before butchering day. The checkered giants added their fair share of scars as well. Their temperament is infamous.
Haven't worked with either yet, but Silver Foxes are reputed to be the "teddy bears" of the meat breeds; very docile. I don't think you can go wrong either way!
I have zero experience with Silver Fox, never even touched one, only seen them at a distance at the show and in pictures.

But I so dearly love my Champagnes!!! They are docile and sweet, really laid back, even my "cranky" old doe is a lot more mellow than some of the other "cranky does" I've had. :) My big old buck is about as gentle a rabbit as you'll ever find, I'm absolutely head over heels for Champagnes. :)
I haven't handled Champagnes but I do have Silver Foxes. If I could replace every one of my New Zealands, I would do it in a heartbeat. They are so easy to handle, so docile, so gentle. I just love them!
I just bought 2 silver foxes and have only had them for about a week but they have already calmed down and aquainted themselves with their new surroundings and with me. I can hold the female and the male will now let me pet him with no problem. I agree with Ollitos, if I could replace my NZW and Cali's with SF I would, but I want some white pelts and black/white pelts :p
I have not had either breed, they are quite rare here, but I currently have American Chinchillas and they are so mellow it's like they are drugged. They are meat rabbits so not handled much but I have never had one so much as huff at me let alone try and stomp, scratch or bite and my sisters kids often haul them out to play with because they just sit there and slo-mo hop about while their pet Mini Lops are constantly trying to escape the yard.

Over the years I have also had experience with Dutch, Standard Rex, English Lops, New Zealand's, Californians, Mutts and Netherland Dwarfs and I personally like the challenge of a rabbit with a bit of an attitude but if you want a 'bomb proof' breed I highly recommend them.
Can't speak for Champagne's but to echo other SF owners thoughts, all of ours are incredibly docile. Never even had a weird look from them that they might bite or get rambunctious.
And I have a SF from Phil's son that is an absolute dream compared to the Satin witch I have LOL In fact, my other SF doe and buck are also calm, sweet, docile bunnies. The babies I am raising are also really laid back and calm compared to my English Angoras and my Satin crosses.

I have not had the pleasure of working with Champanges but hear nothing but good things about them also.
AnnClaire":1qpvbe84 said:
I have not had the pleasure of working with Champanges but hear nothing but good things about them also.

There was a kid at a show two weeks ago selling Champagnes for $10 a piece. Gah, so evil to have buns that cute be that cheap. I begged off saying, well all you have is the two bucks and we'd really need a female. He then comes back 15 minutes later saying he had a doe now for $10 as well. "STOP! I'm trying to tactfully break myself away from having more bunnies!"
phillinley":e69s0tfs said:
AnnClaire":e69s0tfs said:
I have not had the pleasure of working with Champanges but hear nothing but good things about them also.

There was a kid at a show two weeks ago selling Champagnes for $10 a piece. Gah, so evil to have buns that cute be that cheap. I begged off saying, well all you have is the two bucks and we'd really need a female. He then comes back 15 minutes later saying he had a doe now for $10 as well. "STOP! I'm trying to tactfully break myself away from having more bunnies!"

Come to the silver side...get Champagnes...they're awesome... :twisted:

And for $10 a pop...jeez, sign me up! :p
I'll let you know once my pair arrives!

What steal for those Champagnes. I just had to pay $75 per rabbit +20 transport for each one. Coming from a good breeder that others have recommended, so I trust he will send me good stock to begin with :)
Peach":2tlbr3rr said:
What steal for those Champagnes. I just had to pay $75 per rabbit +20 transport for each one. Coming from a good breeder that others have recommended, so I trust he will send me good stock to begin with :)

Well that's the thing, we went cheaper with our Mini Rex and Flemish Giants and it shows on the table. We took our time and got the best out there in Silver Fox and Lilac and that shows too. So buying another breed from a 4-h'er at $10 a pop is not helpful when we're trying to improve and promote a rarer breed. Better to save up for that good stock. That's why I was so tempted to pick up Argent Brun's this week because the seller was the second in line for the CoD so she's got a committed program.
I have a Champagne d'argent and I LOVE HER. Her babies are just so sweet. She's been such a little doll baby. I can pick her up, pet her, love on her, and her babies are a little over two weeks and when I open the door they come over to see what I'm doing. Not afraid at all. I'm going to keep at least 2-3 out of her litter of 8.

Oh and she's my profile pic!

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