Silver Fox pair?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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I almost got a Silver Fox a few months ago but it fell through when the litter got sick and (thankfully) the seller informed me of it and said she would not sell a sick rabbit. I was disappointed but certainly understood....and was delighted to find a pair of them, local, 13 months old, for $30 for the pair. The buck, Sullivan, is obviously a silver fox with the coloring and all (she said he came from a grand champion line) but the doe, Summer, makes me she maybe a cross breed? She has the coat like his in style, but not in color. She's got some silvering but is more black. What do you think? Is she a SF?



Sullivan definitely looks SF. The doe, I can't see her very well. Are they pedigreed, and did the breeder give you pedigrees? 30 dollars for a pair of pedigreed sf would be way too cheap. Their silvering will depend on their age, but also, some just get more silvering than others. I probably would sell one non pedigreed rabbit as a meat breeder for 20 dollars. A pair of pedigreed/show quality would go for 80 or more.
They are not pedigreed, though I was told that he was and I could get papers if I wanted to contact the breeder and pursue it. The gal I bought them from got them for meat breeders and then decided to go with American Blues instead and wanted the cage space so she sold them cheap. I'll get a better picture of the doe, but she is shy and goes a bit spastic when you try and pick her up and I don't want to traumatize her as I'm trying to let them settle in and relax in their new home so I can breed them in a week or so. I'm just raising them for meat/fur myself so the pedigree isn't important to me.
*Disclaimer: I'm totally inexperienced, but....*

The shape of Summer's head looks a little too long and flat to be purebred SF, IMO. When you stroke her fur from tail to head, does it stay standing up?

$30 for the pair is very cheap; I'm looking at some in GA; they are going for $40-$65 EACH. Even if Summer isn't pure SF, you still scored a heck of a deal with the buck!!! Congrats!
Yep, a great price...I paid $40 for my buck and $30 each for my 2 does. If you're breeding for meat, you still got a heck of a deal since both SF's and Am Blues are good meat stock. I'm hoping to add some American Blues to our breeding stock at some point, but they're almost impossible to find in this neck of the woods.

SF's do come in blue's not accepted yet for showing, but they're pretty. Our buck is a blue and the frosting doesn't really show with the color of the fur
I agree with PPMama, the head is wrong for a SF. I paid $65 a piece for my does and buck, so $30 caught my eye, but if people need the space, they need the space.
I agree with everyone else. Everything but the head looks good. The flyback coat is a good indicator, but even then, that head's too bulky. .
He looks like a Silver Fox ... her, she is very poorly silvered if she is Silver Fox so my guess would be a cross of some kind. However, if you are simply raising for meat, they should give you some great meat kits. If you can get their weights, that also would help.

She is the picture of health!