Silver Fox kits, color Qs

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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So my Black SF pair had 7 kits, all doing great and 2 days old now.
I'm noticing white mark hairs growing, which can't be allowed in w/e standard there is for them. My buck has a white, diamond snippet on his nose, doe is solid black.
Does this indicate poor breeding in the past or some other breed mixed in their pasts?
Also, what color are black 2 day old SF kits? Mine seem lighter than black....

I'll get pics up soon!<br /><br />__________ Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:45 pm __________<br /><br />3 black in the 1st pic are from the HL.
Last pic you can see the center baby and the one behind him have white on the head.


The young kits do look kind of light until they get their fur. Or have you seen black kits before and these look different? Your website does mention that the parents carry blue; maybe you got a lucky litter of all blues.
As for the white spots, yes they are a problem when breeding to the standard. Your buck's white nose snip indicates he's got some kind of spotty genes going on. Mine have forehead spots - not uncommon. Just cull for this feature, i.e. keep only those that dont' have the spots. Sometimes they disappear after the rabbit molts, but they're still not a great feature to breed forward.

My Am Chin's kits are all black and 1 gray, the black were darker, that is what I'm comparing these to. Rabbits are born with fuzz, or at least on day 2 they sure have fuzz.
Marked will be solely meat, so not much of an issue. Once my papered pair starts breeding, kits from this original pair will all be just meat.<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:28 pm __________<br /><br />Seems like they may all be black. These two are siblings and their sister was blue. Was hoping to get a blue, but w/e. Got the new pair to test out in the Fall.
This is quite normal in Silver Fox and in Champagnes. We got those white snipets on the foreheads quite a bit. Old breeders will tell you those are the ones that will get the best silvering. It all disappears. :)
Updating. All kits are black. Trio w/the white still have the white. Buck/dad was killed, but he had a white nose and even silvering.

Doe, her butt is starting to silver more. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, I like it, it's cute.