Silver Fox Colors

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Nov 2, 2023
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Would anyone be able to tell me what they think my three jr bucks colors are? At first at first when I got the buck in the first two pictures I was pretty sure he was standard blue, but when I got these two other bucks who have been in a molt the entire time I’ve had them, I was thinking maybe they were blue and my first one was actually lilac. The molt does make the two second bucks look a bit chocolate but I have seen chocolate bucks before and they were much deeper brown so I don’t think that’s what these guys are… any guesses?


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Would anyone be able to tell me what they think my three jr bucks colors are? At first at first when I got the buck in the first two pictures I was pretty sure he was standard blue, but when I got these two other bucks who have been in a molt the entire time I’ve had them, I was thinking maybe they were blue and my first one was actually lilac. The molt does make the two second bucks look a bit chocolate but I have seen chocolate bucks before and they were much deeper brown so I don’t think that’s what these guys are… any guesses?
It's quite hard to tell given the angles and lighting in these photos, but your original buck looks like he could possibly be shaded, like maybe a smoke pearl (blue sable). There is a wide range of blue color, and it can certainly be hard to tell pale/faded blues from deep lilacs. Sometimes the eye color can give you a clue, but I can't tell from these photos - in one it looks blue, in the other it looks like it might be brown. You can have either on both blues and lilacs, but lilacs of ten have a bit of a ruby glow to them in indirect light.

Maybe it's the strong slanted lighting, but the others look too orange in these photos to be blues. I agree they do not look chocolates at least in these pictures. Blues can definitely look rusty but the overall impression of these is of brown/orange, not blue. With that molt going on it's tricky, but there are some orange areas on your rabbits that aren't usually rusty due to sunlight/molt, like these:
what color.jpg
At least on my screen, it would be helpful to see some other photos, taken in less dramatic lighting. A bright day in a lightly shaded spot is often the best to capture colors.

Do you know what colors the parents were?
Thanks! Yeah the sun was shining a lot and I tried to get him to stay still to get his eyes because I had heard about the ruby glow. But I couldn't get a good shot. I'll try when its a little less bright out. I know the first buck has chocolate, blue, and black in his line but not sure what color his father was. His mother was a black. The other two are brothers and I know there dad was a black but I am not sure on the mom. I want to say she was also a black but I'm not sure.
As for the brothers, yeah I really have never seen any silver foxes like them and I just assumed it was the molt because they looked so different but they are pure bred silvers so I am not sure what happened with them. Also do you know if it is normal for them to still be molting this late in the year? I am in Zone 7b and we have gotten in the low 30s F lately so I would have thought they would have started to blow their winter coats or at least calmed down with the molt.. But this is my first winter with rabbits so I am a little unsure. I just know in videos of other rabbitry setups it seems their molts are only visible into maybe early to mid autumn.
There are tort silver foxes here and there (Alaskan red foxes) but Silver fox fur is Very prone to sun burn that bleaches the fur to brown/red. I can see in the pic that they are in sunlight, it might just be the fur really bleaching. overall they appear to be blues and chocolates, with burning. I have had lilacs and they look like pure silver with a high sheen, as kits they really pop out of the nest box, even near blues