Silver Fox and Blue Americans to build up numbers?

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Active member
May 14, 2013
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Darke County, Ohio
I recently bought a Cali doe that is bred to restart my meat rabbit journey. I have located a pair of Silver Fox juniors and he also has some Blue Americans. I have read both are good meat rabbits. Are these a good choice? I have mostly heritage breed animals on my farm, so they are tempting to me on that aspect. But, I don't want to get started with a breed just because they are heritage. At this time, the rabbits will be for family consumption only, but in time, I would like to offer rabbit meat along with all the other things I raise. I realize with any breed, it will take selective breeding and time to develop desirable characteristics. I also want to mention I will be feeding them fodder and hay only (slowly switching them from what they are used to of course)

I see nothing wrong with the breeds you have chosen as far as meat rabbits are concerned.

The trouble with some rare breeds is that they are already fairly inbred by definition of being "rare" You may have trouble easily finding other animals of the same breed that are not fairly closely related to upgrade your herd.
Two excellent breed choices.

I have never had Silver Fox, but I have had Americans and I would have them again like a shot if I had the opportunity to get some.
I would definitely get some. :)

I have mainly Rex, but recently acquired a pair of Beveren, and I love them. I'm hoping to pick up a couple more at the show I am attending tomorrow.

I agree with Sky about the inbreeding/linebreeding. I started breeding two years ago with 2 does and 2 bucks, but one of the bucks died before I was able to use him. I am very pleased with the rabbits I am getting now, and they are all intensively linebred and inbred.
I breed Silver Fox and I am really happy with their growth rate, mothering ability, and (now) willingness to breed. As for line breeding, that is a regular practice with rabbits, and as you are located in Ohio, you should not have any problems acquiring additional breeding stock with varying degrees of consanguinity (like that $3 word? :cheesysmile: ) When looking for new breeding stock, I would suggest you attend some local rabbit shows where you will see some amazing examples of the breeds (SF and Americans). If you take your pedigrees with you, you can compare relationships of any stock you are interested in buying.
I have Silver Fox. I love their temperaments. I am waiting on my first litter to try Silver Fox meat but apparently it's fabulous.
I got SF because they were 'rare', now everyone has them! Ugh!!
The Americans are also starting to be everywhere and the AmChin....

SF make perfect meat animals, they are supposed to be 65% meat dressed out. I hear the Americans are good meat rabbits, too. But either way, buy from someone who breeds them for meat, otherwise, you are just getting a name and a pretty rabbit.
I also have Silver Foxes (haha, ChickiesnBunnies is right!) and I love them. My doe is the sweetest thing- she constantly asks for her forehead to be petted, and she actually likes being held and petted. I haven't been able to breed yet, but I am hoping I will be able to in the future.
I got myself a trio of Am. Blues and a Am. White Buck and I love them. They are so sweet. I think it would be a great idea for you to ad heritage breed to your rabbitry. I love having a little bit of "living history" and its been fun learning about them. Later I'll consider a 2nd heritage breed to learn about and find. Not sure if it will be the Silver Fox or a different breed. I wanted SF but as the others have said they are everywhere here too.