Sick rabbits

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Apr 17, 2022
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Hey everyone, we are having a loss like I haven't experienced before. We've lost 4 of our grow outs, and 2 of our breeder bucks.
All in about a week. We haven't acquired any new rabbits in over a year.
I'm thinking its feed related. Theres no symptoms til we find them dead. No sneezing, no runny noses, no diarrhea, from any of them.
I'm figured I'd do an autopsy on them. I've never opened up what I expected to be a sick rabbit. What should I look for?
It sounds like it could be RVHD2, you will need to contact your state vet as I believe it's a notifiable disease.
You may find this group helpful - North Americans RHDV2 Group

There is a map of affected states/counties here: RVHD2 map although it looks like it needs updating.
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We have changed the feed. Haven't lost any in about 48 hrs. Keeping our fingers crossed. How are rabbits tested for rvhd2?
We have changed the feed. Haven't lost any in about 48 hrs. Keeping our fingers crossed. How are rabbits tested for rvhd2?
Live ones can't be tested - the usual procedure is the vet takes a liver sample from a deceased rabbit which is then sent off and PCR tested.
Still no more losses. We haven't lost a rabbit since switching over to the different feed. Fingers crossed still.
Well, it's been a week now with no losses. Also, a week since switching from the other feed. On one hand I'm happy to have gotten things back on track. On the other hand, I'm frustrated at the losses.
We were feeding Bar Ale rabbit feed. Our local grow/feed store ran out. We bought over priced feed from the other grow/feed store in town. Frustrated at the availability problem from one store, and price gouging at the other, I bought the "Producers Pride" from TSC in Fortuna Ca. Low quality feed, but did good enough for us in the past. After running 100lbs of feed through our rabbitry, we lost both of our breeder bucks and 4 of our grow outs.
So, we went back to the Bar Ale feed. No more losses. Theres a lot to be learned from this experience. Dont buy cheap feed, it could cost you more than you save. Dont leave the feed inspection up to the kids. (Inspecting the feed while dumped from bag into can). Place orders on feed to assure it will be there. Dont buy feed from people who dont raise animals.
I know the reaction to expect from TSC. Well, once it leaves this store, we dont know how you stored it. Not our fault. I'm not sure if I should send a letter to corporate or not.
Hope this helps someone in the future!
Been a week since switching feed. Ain't lost a rabbit since. We lost rabbits when feeding with "Producers Pride", a TSC feed.
Still no more losses since switching back to Bar Ale. Now I'm sure it was the feed. Hope this helps someone.

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