sick english angora

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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Today i came home to find him laying on his side his butt was pasted over with wet sticky poop but when i cleaned him off he has normal poop. When i palpated him his bladder was overly full but when i massaged it he peed. What could this be. His head is kind of cocked to the side so im thinking maybe wry neck? He seemed fine yesterday.
He lives outdoors in a large dog kennel thats about 10x8 ft maybe bigger him and 2 other rabbits have free reign of it. The other two are a flemish giant buck and satin angora doe. They are all neutered.
well I'm headed to the vet right now to see what's wrong. :(<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:22 pm __________<br /><br />Vet said definitely wry neck. Thry are gonna hospitalize him for the night. I hope he makes it. He's a cute little guy.
Thanks everyone! Here is a picture I took at the vet, he cannot stand up but he has a good appetite which is a good sign.
They are treating him with antibiotics and such for the wry neck. Im hoping its not too late. I should have taken him when i found him but it was nighttime and only the emergancy vet that i hate was open(their stupidity killed my sisters dog) honestly though if he doesnt show improvement through the weekend it will probably be best to put him down.
We do need an update! Sorry about all the trouble you are having with the new herd too. Added all up, it is a bit much. :(
He is doing 100xs better. I have figured out it was e culiculi and treated with ivermectin 1/10th cc per lb and then again a week later. He is a little unsteady on his feet but doing well. I treated my whole herd too just to make sure it doesn't pop up again.
Thanks. I was really about to give up on him. He layed on his side for a whole week before he could even sit up! I'm glad i gave him a chance.<br /><br />__________ Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:03 pm __________<br /><br />He is back in the outdoor run with his Flemish giant buddy. Sadly though my satin angora doe that lived with him contracted it too. All rabbits have received ivermectin as a preventative. I gave it to them all but I guess not in time for Pumpkin. Pumpkin the Satin angora is better off than he was, she just has a tilted head. She isn't stuck on her side. I'm hoping she will recover quickly, she is my very favorite rabbit. :( Thankfully these three are living seperately from my other rabbits so I doubt the others will get it but they have all received the ivermective as preventative, just in case.
Here is my Pumpkin, the satin angora born on halloween 2011.
Yes ivermectin 1/10th cc per pound followed by another dose one week later. This worked very well for my english so i'm doing it again for my little satin girl.

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