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Well-known member
May 15, 2012
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So, being rabbit folk, all of you doubtless have dozens and dozens of crocks, bottles, feeders, dysfunctional hay racks, miscellaneous wire, litter pans, urine guards, carriers, etc etc etc. How do you arrange your rabbit bounty when it's not in use? As of now, my unused things are mostly piled up in a corner of the yard. I'm running out of excuses, since the sun has already thoroughly sanitized them. Anyone care to show and/or tell about their rabbit item storage?
I have picts, but the rabbitry still looks junky to me. There is storage space on top of every stacker. I made a table that goes against the wall, and that's where the can with food is. All lime, pine pellets and DE is poured out into Home Depot buckets under there. Then under one stacker are the feeders and crocks. On top of the hollands cages are the big shelves where the carriers and extra cages go.
My rabbitry looks like a shanty town in the back yard! Can't wait till I am all done! I have a carport with covered sides I am going to put up & have all rabbits inside & then I am fencing that in to protect from Crazy ass giant poodles like the 3 that were harassing my rabbits yesterday!
i use milk crates for bottles and crocks. LOVE my milk crates! They are airy, easy to transport, easy to stack, and incredibly easy to clean. I have a solid cardboard box for miscellaneous items. And old rabbit cage (homemade that is used as a cage holder in which I put unused j-feeders, and I have a lovely shelf that my hubby got for me one Christmas. :)

My nestboxes sit on top of the rabbit racks.

An old dog crate holds old feedbags which are now being used as garbage bags.
on top of that I have a piece of wood to hold my pose box. that pose box holds my nailclippers, and small sundry items.

that's got 'er. :)
I have stuff all over the place...Food is in 35g track bins, everything else is wherever I set it down and later cover it or stuff it in a plastic dog crate out of rain...
If we aren't using it, it gets stacked in a corner of the barn. We try to remain consistent with the what we purchase so we're always using the same size water bottles, nest boxes, etc. That helps with organization.
My spare crocks and feeders are stored indoors to preclude rusting and getting filthy. My in-use feed is poured 100 lbs at a time in a rubbermaid garbage container and not topped off until all the present feed is used, and the reserve bags of feed are stored indoors. My hay is also stored in rubbermaid containers (it normally takes 2-3 od them for a single bale) in my utility room, where most of my carriers are also stored. I have a display rack which our store was throwing away and I brought home to use in the barn to store incidental stuff like bags of hay, gallon bottles of water, utility buckets, and bags of shavings. My nest boxes are stored in the barn, as well.

Also, a couple of years back, we were without water in the entire city because somebody struck and damaged a water main, so I also store several gallons of water (10-15) just in case something like that ever happens again.
There is so little space in this room, the goal was to get everything off of the floor.

Feed storage grooming table, buckets with DE, Lime, Pine Pellets


Storage on top of the cages


Carrier stored under the stacker, tub with extra bottles, feeders and crocks are behind it.


Gallon water bottles. There is no water to the barn, so they have to be filled everyday. Never sure where to store them, the dogs always manage to knock them down. I was putting them in milk crates.


Hay on the top of one of stackers to keep it away from peeing dogs and mice. Other box holds shredded paper for nest.
LadyKarli":2nr21xri said:
My rabbitry looks like a shanty town in the back yard! Can't wait till I am all done! I have a carport with covered sides I am going to put up & have all rabbits inside & then I am fencing that in to protect from Crazy ass giant poodles like the 3 that were harassing my rabbits yesterday!

We have stray/wandering pit bulls around here! They get very dangerous when they run in packs. I'd rather meet a poodle in the yard!
I am impressed with all the storage systems and ideas.
I have saved/re-serviced quite a fed tin cans as holders for many
small items in the Rabbitry. I have an old box freezer where I
store four bags of Rabbit feed along side that is a Plastic
50 gallon pail which holds five to six bags of Rabbit feed.
My unused feed/water bowls are in a re-serviced wooden storage cabinet
made from the two end sides of a desk. The desk part was cut out and
used elsewhere. My Carrying cages are on a shelf above the Rabbits.
Nestboxes on a shelf closer to the ceiling. It is a constant work in progress.
I will post some pics later. It's not too pretty, but it works for me.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I have a wooden shelf in the garage I found at BiMart in the back :) I place carriers and un-used nest boxes containers with excess brushes as well as an old dresser holding feeders bottles on one side, nails and what ever on the other. Feed is in a can with wheels it holds 4 bags of 50lb food. unfortunatly the table saw holds extra bags of food lol . just need to figure out a good way to store the hay bales what a pain