Shimo's new home

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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Shimo developed mastitis probably from pooping in front of her feeder after her nestbox was added and took up cage space then sitting there eating. I guess I couldn't keep it clean enough. 2 rounds of injected antibiotics later she still has a lump but it doesn't seem active. Maybe some type of scar tissue. So Shimo's one litter may be all we get. 2 are spoken for and we are keeping the chinchilla and sable point marten does to breed instead. Now Shimo just gets to be a house rabbit and may get spayed but she's shown no hormonal behavior since giving birth. If we spay her I may see about removing the lump under that nipple for comfort and to see what it is.

I cut or more melted her a nice litterbox/hay container using a soldering iron and put wire on the top because I knew she'd lay up there. It's small diameter vinyl coated hex mesh I had around. Slight risk of some pee or poop in the hay unless I make a cover for it but they all scale their hay silos to sit in them and I just remove the top if it gets too dirty before they empty it and completely empty anything left when the cage is cleaned. I thought I'd be changing the blanket a whole bunch while training her and got several clean fleece blankets ready since our washer is broken yet again but in the past 48hrs she's used her litterbox without fail.
thats a cool little "den" for her :) i've always wanted to bring my original brood doe indoors and make her a pet, since shes no longer needed for my breeding program but i can't bear to part with her. maybe someday :) i would think that her lump is probably not active mastitis, very likely scar tissue. how long has it been since she had it? sometimes scar tissue takes a while to slough off after infection. if its dead tissue it may eventually fall off. might want to be careful with the hex mesh, if you can replace it with cage floor wire it might be better, cuz hex wire is sometimes hard on their feet, especially since its usually a thinner gauge. it really depends on how much time she spends up there.
She had 2, 10 day lasting injections so it's been about 2 weeks since the mastitis just flared up horribly over a couple days. I didn't handle her belly much for 2 days and then found a huge lump. The next day it was going up her side, she had a fever, and was panting. Luckily we got her in the vet that day and he said the antibiotic injection would work within 24-48hrs so within a couple days the fever was gone and she was eating again. The lump though has persisted at about the size of a ping pong ball so we did a second injection to make sure but no change and she's fully active again. Also the luck of being one of the pets that she gets $100 spent on her at the vet and to take over a $100 crate even though it's an extra right now since we aren't doing dog agility competitions this year.