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I will probably take another pic in 2 days but the pinks are already not pink anymore. They are very very light blue. My buck wasn't suppose to have dilute so odd if that's what it is but always possible. He is black sable, black himi down his entire pedigree.
Generally only kits with certain C locus or ee are born pink and then turn things like REW, himi, red... Regular blues are born slightly lighter than regular black based kits the same as they color. A pink shouldn't turn blue but this is not normal blue. It is Shimo's light blue, off white, greyish, not quite silver for lilac, and not quite dark for blue that apparently shouldn't exist since everyone has bets but no one has quite seen that color before.
I figured a regular sable would turn brown like a chocolate when it colors since a sable is brown, slightly lighter than chocolate, with black points rather than very light blue.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:19 pm __________<br /><br />Pictures of fuzzy things



I realized the light ones were blending in so I took a pic on blue and found they are not the same color
How exciting that the blues are different shades! It looks like Shimo is taking good care of them too.
Siamese Sable always starts out silvery, then darkens later in a week or two. We have had quite a few born here when we had the Jersey Woolies. I have no idea why this is so.
So the darker silver has developed a white belly and blue top. Shimo copy? The darks are getting white starting along the belly line and spreading. I can't tell if it's ticking or mixed because they are so small with such short hair. I would assume ticking. Pictures again when I am no longer dying of bronchitis.<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:33 pm __________<br /><br />I think the darker one has turned out to be a blue chin. So 2 black chin, 1 blue chin, 1 sable

white belly on blue

2 dark chins

sable with some of that swirly grey up the side shimo had. Much more obvious points though.
Hmm could the 2 dark n 1 blue tinged be Sable Martens and Smoke Pearl Marten (not the sable point but the other 3)? The 3 look like they have white ear lacing and triangles is why I was thinking martens.....

Any way...they're CUTE! Very nice fat kits :)
I did think they looked martin. A very experienced chin and sable breeder said she is agouti not otter/martin but could carry it. All 3 kits are marked on the back of the head with a white splotch which I'm told means they are chin but whether they are Aa cchl* (agouti which is standard light chin) or ata cchl* (seal/sable martin) I don't know.

I've been wondering if the sable is too light and might be sable point but I'm told I have another week until he might show brown coloring or not.<br /><br />__________ Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:31 pm __________<br /><br />New pictures
2 silver marten I believe

A sable point, marten?


What is this? I thought blue but it's not quite blue...

It has more of a ring with silver tips

Regular silver marten that just fades from bluish to black instead of tips

Is it possible they are dark chin and light chin (chd and chl) or seal (chl chl) and sable (chl ch) with tan/otter/marten on it. I know Kido carries ch. I've been thinking shimo is sable with agouti or marten so light chin instead of chd in order to make her even lighter but I suppose it's possible she's chd chl. I'm also questioning the one breeder's opinion of agouti from shimo's markings since she threw an entire litter of at.

Best guess all but the bigger silver marten are does (I'm getting better at this) so we will probably keep the sable point to breed back to her sire or to my himi buck and maybe the one I'm not sure it's color.
Well, I can't help with the color debate, but they are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! And the colors are delicious! :lol: