She's NOT a keeper

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
So Carma, big doe... guessing at about 12 pounds.

She won't be kept as a breeder around here.

She just gave birth to her second litter of FOUR. That's it FOUR. My hollands give me that or more.
A big ole hog (man she eats like a horse) of a doe only giving me four kits.

Not worth it in my book.

What say you?
she was mounted at least three times if not more.

Bred to other rabbits, these bucks produce bigger litters.

Two litters in a row with only four kits and she was hot to trot... Tells me something is a bit short changed with her. Disappointing in the least.

BUT this time it turned out for the best as one young HL doe decided that "Oooh... digging in the box.. that's fun!" rescued babies were plopped into Carma's nest and that's that.
Put her on a diet and maybe some exercise to use the feed she eats. I'm not saying she's fat but redistributing her energies might change how her body handles pregnancy.

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