Sherwood Forest Baby Feed?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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North Carolina
So I signed up for a free catalog of rabbit supplies (Pretty overpriced on many things...) But then I find something called "Sherwood Forest--Baby" The description of it says "The researchers at Sherwood recognized the different nutritional needs that baby rabbits have, and developed this food to help weanling bunnies transition to solid food in safety. It’s high in the fat that lactating does and young bunnies need, but it’s not stuffed with starches like other feed brands. "

I was wondering if anyone used this for their meat rabbits and what the results/difference was? If nobody has I will gladly be the test guinea pig XP
Buttons, back about three years ago, a rep of Sherwood Forest feeds joined RabbitTalk, offering IIRC samples of their feed and information.

If you will use the SEARCH feature and type in Sherwood, you will be able to review the old threads and glean useful information. I have never used their products, since when I had rabbits I fed them a pelletless diet and I wouldn't care to comment on them for that reason.
You pretty much need at least an acre or two to go pelletless. You'll get there, in time. I didn't get to move out of the city to here until I was 51 . . . and I only had about ten good years here until the arthritis set in and limited what I can do. Hopefully, you won't have to wait that long.

Fortunately, I have other interests like writing to pursue now that I've given up the rabbits. I'm the kind of person who has enough interests for two or three lifetimes. :)
I tried it. It was different. Much greener. Much fresher. However, to adequately feed, it was going to be over $500 a month for feed. Not cost effective. They have not managed to get any offers close by or bulk sales offers. The biggest is their USPS box that holds about 19lbs.

Find the best feed for your area you can get. Unless you want to pay the extra on a long term basis that is...figure up what you use per month, how many rabbits do you intend to increase/decrease over the next 6 months, figure in a 15% cost increase (may or may not occur but shipping/price of materials changes every so often)...and see if you're still wanting to have it shipped in.
Well I pay $20 for a 50lb bag which lasts about a month usually with timothy hay that's about $8? I think at TSC and that lasts about 2 months maybe a bit longer. This is my first bale and it's lasted till now and I'm on my 3rd bag of feed. Although I'll be going through more here in a couple weeks when all my kits are in growout. I have 3 awaiting FC only thing stopping me is I don't have a sharp enough knife, and I need something to cut their feet off. Any recommendations on something cheap and effective? I just need something for now so I can get these three.
I actually tried Sherwood Baby earlier this year after hearing so many good things. I bought the 4 1/2 lb bag to test on my first litter of American Chinchillas. The dam of the litter is picky and took a while when I got her to transition to my pellets. When I introduced the Sherwood, she dove straight in! The kits had good growth on this feed. As Rebel Rose pointed out, the cost is prohibitive at $40 for 19 pounds of feed. 50 pounds of pellets lasts my 6 American Chinchillas about a month, I would need more than two $40 boxes of Sherwood each MONTH to feed my rabbits. The regular Sherwood has too little protein for a herd of meat rabbits, it seems to be more directed for pets at just 14%. So you'd have to spend more to get the baby formula.

That said, I have had good results on Manna Pro PRO formula ( ... eries-feed), which costs me $15 for 50 pounds at Tractor Supply. I couldn't justify switching feeds for a more expensive brand when I had no complaints on my current one.
Cutting at the joint (even with a dull knife) makes them easy to pop apart. I've never had any trouble, course I'm used to quartering and splitting deer. Xacto knife (not the thin ones for cutting paper or material these are in the hardware section with staples and power tools) with replaceable blades from Walmart have done well, $10.00 for a good one with several extra blades. Since the blood clots, I don't have a lot of strength back yet so I can't do proper broom stick method yet...but I've used the knife to do some fish :)

28 now vs at least $40.00 with babies no extras no replacements no keepers/grow outs, just what you have now exactly. I'd stick with the best food in your area. What happens if they stop producing? What happens if the mail can't deliver (weather, strike, other?)? With specialty pellets too...if you get them on it any buyer may have issues switching more, which in the long run may ruin your local customer base IF you think about selling any. It may also make it hard to transition back if some thing ever happens, it too me 2 months of fighting the test group to go back to normal pellets (at that time I had Manna Pro). <br /><br /> -- Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:54 am -- <br /><br /> Cutting at the joint (even with a dull knife) makes them easy to pop apart. I've never had any trouble, course I'm used to quartering and splitting deer. Xacto knife (not the thin ones for cutting paper or material these are in the hardware section with staples and power tools) with replaceable blades from Walmart have done well, $10.00 for a good one with several extra blades. Since the blood clots, I don't have a lot of strength back yet so I can't do proper broom stick method yet...but I've used the knife to do some fish :)

28 now vs at least $40.00 with babies no extras no replacements no keepers/grow outs, just what you have now exactly. I'd stick with the best food in your area. What happens if they stop producing? What happens if the mail can't deliver (weather, strike, other?)? With specialty pellets too...if you get them on it any buyer may have issues switching more, which in the long run may ruin your local customer base IF you think about selling any. It may also make it hard to transition back if some thing ever happens, it too me 2 months of fighting the test group to go back to normal pellets (at that time I had Manna Pro).
Yeah. I didn't think about the fact of ordering lol. I will definitely stick to my original plans. So I can use a sharp knife and be completely ok? I've never cut anything up except for fish and I cut open a dead frog once when I was little because I wanted to see what was inside. I only have three to process and they are lionhead meat mutts. Starting to look more like meat rabbits now at almost 3 months. I wasn't planning on them being FC bunnies. "Shit Happens" ~ Forrest Gump.
That's what I do. I have a small Gerber knife from Walmart that cost me $10 and the utility and extra blades. Since I'm on thinners, I opt for my small knife now because these utility (xacto, why I could not thing of utility last post I have no idea) I tend to nick myself with. The utility is scaple sharp but blades won't take a lot of punishment (they can break if try to cut). They do have small wire cutters at Walmart (bone cutters) that are like $3.00 which I initially used, but after first few figured out cutting at joint the muscle/connective tissue makes it easy to pop the them apart (again I'm used to deer so it could be that). You might search the board, the utility knife and blades came from another post actually lol :)