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Jun 29, 2011
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My Holland Lop Annabell is now 4 months old an she is shedding a lot so i brush her everyday . Is it normal for her to shed so much ?
Thanks ,
Rabbits molt occasionally. They will lose their entire coat and grow a new one over a few weeks. This happens most often when there is a temperature change or major feed change but will also sometimes just happen periodically as they mature.
They are all molting this time of year. All of mine dont even look like rabbits to me they look lik alien creatures lol
I have yet to actually get a mini rex to a show because I bred in a chocolate line that molts every time you so much as think about it :roll: I only have 2 of 6 champagnes molting, 1 netherland of 3, and none of my crosses.
All of my rabbits start their first molt right around 12 weeks, so I would say she is right on schedule! This will be her first grown-up fur coming in, so don't be concerned if it is a slightly different color or texture, some of my reds darken considerably at this age, and I like that. Grooming her and feeding hay (as I think I recall you already are) is all she needs from you! :)
Its molting time! Ahhh, what fun as the fur goes flying! LoL! :)
My buck is in molt right now, too, and looks just a mess. Im brushing out his entire coat a couple times a day to help speed things along.
OK thanks for all the info . So now i had her out on the deck an not real hard all i did was gab a bunch of hair an pull realy light an i kept getting hand fulls of hair so now i have it all over me . Also i give her lots of hay an i brush her every day so does it hurt her when i pull her hair out ? Is it hair or fur ?
it is fur--
oh, at a rabbit seminar for 4H kids givem by a local registrar, I learned that upping the protein intake at the start of molt, will hasten the process-- just need to drop the level as the coat finishes filling in so the molt does not continue. Supposedly, one can induce a molt by raising the protein levels,a s well, It would be a way of making sure the rabbit doesn't go into molt the day before a show!

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